Maryland Man Arrested for Interrupting ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ at Public Library

A Maryland man was arrested on Sunday after he interrupted an event at the St. Mary’s County library which featured drag queens reading to young children. Many critics believe this is an attempt to groom kids to the LGBT agenda.

Ashley Kyle Morgan, 42, came to the event at 1:40pm but was denied access to the room where the readings were happening. A police sergeant told Morgan that he was denied access to the room, as it was a private event despite being held at a public library.

Morgan refused to comply with the orders, going into the room anyway and addressing the 75 people inside which included approximately 25 children. He was then hauled off in handcuffs after refusing to be silenced. He was ultimately charged with disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, failure to obey a reasonable/lawful order, and trespassing in a public agency.

This follows an event in Spokane, WA earlier in the month where law enforcement pointed sniper rifles at mothers who were protesting a similar event. A Christian pastor was arrested outside of that same event after being denied the right to protest near the library.

The American Atheists, a group that organizes to destroy religious liberty across the United States, celebrated the grooming event which was organized by their Regional Director Samantha McGuire and the Southern Maryland Area Secular Humanists.

The Media Research Council covered the protests and counter-protests outside the event as it took place:

Two child sex offenders were found to be administering a similar program in a Houston public library, who did not run a background check on the individuals before they were allowed intimate access to children.

“The men dress as garish and hideous parodies of Catholic nuns and mock Catholicism. They are a popular feature in gay pride parades and other LGBT events across the country. They now also do [Drag Queen Story Hour] readings to small children,” Houston MassResistance wrote.

The mainstreaming of child abuse is the next stage on the LGBT agenda of inclusivity and tolerance being pushed by the deranged modern left. It will continue until more individuals take a stand against it, despite possible legal ramifications for doing so.

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