Mask Off: Charles Koch Goes On CNN to Shill for Mass Migration

Earlier this week, billionaire oligarch Charles Koch penned an op-ed at CNN with Brian Hooks (the president of the Koch Foundation) calling for both parties to pass amnesty and expand immigration.

The op-ed was titled: “One thing we should all agree on.” 

In the typical Orwellian manner, the authors of the piece referred to amnesty as immigration reform and “a path to legal status” for illegal aliens. 

“Whether it’s a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants, including Dreamers who were brought to America as children, improving the visa system or improving border security, lasting progress will require congressional action by both political parties,” Koch wrote.

Koch and Hooks are optimistic that amnesty can pass this time around:

We’re increasingly optimistic about the chances for success. It’s telling that American support for immigration grew even amid the constant anti-immigrant rhetoric of the past four years. While media headlines focused on the extremes of the immigration debate, people of all backgrounds and organizations of all kinds have been taking steps to celebrate immigration and show society that despite differences on other issues, this is an area where people can come together.

The authors alluded to an agreement between establishment conservative group Americans for Prosperity and Hispanic ethnic lobbies like UnidosUS as a sign that a bipartisan consensus is forming. The authors finished the op-ed with a demand for more immigration.

A similar victory can happen with immigration. Public sentiment is already there. Efforts to amplify and unleash that sentiment are gaining steam. With more support and action from people across the country, Congress will find its way to enact the immigration policies that reflect the best of America and enable more people to contribute to our country’s future.

The Washington Watcher II at VDARE observed,”Koch’s op-ed is a sign the donor class will push for amnesty in the coming months. It will be up to the base, and maybe Donald Trump, to stop it.”

There’s no question that calls for amnesty will be on hyperdrive should the Democrats flip both Senate seats in Georgia runoffs. 

Issues from the Second Amendment to mass migration will hang in the balance should the Senate runoffs go Democrat.

At the end of the day, America First activists must hold all politicians feet to the fight fire and remind them that following the.

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