Media Matters’ ‘Control Alt-Right Delete’ Campaign Seeks to Shut Down Conservative Speech

George Soros-funded Media Matters for America is launching a new campaign to pressure social media platforms into shutting down right wing speech.

“The social media networks Americans use every day, they’ve been weaponized against us,”  Melissa Ryan, editor and Control Alt-Right Delete visiting fellow at Media Matters said in a Now This video. “So who’s doing this?”

“It isn’t one group, but a coalition with a lot of overlap including right wing media, far right online communities, home grown hate groups, and hostile foreign actors, most notably Russian trolls.” she continued.

It is obvious that Ryan considers everyone right of Bernie Sanders to be “alt right.” When she references “right wing media,” a picture of  Fox anchor Tucker Carlson flashes across the screen. In the same breath, she mentions hate groups, and shows a photo of bona fide Nazi Richard Spencer, who has been consistently denounced by the political right.

Ryan provides no evidence for any of the nonsense she is spewing. She does not explain how this so-called “coalition” began. She shows no examples of “Russian trolls” sowing discord online. She simply states her conclusions as facts.

Ryan goes on to blame President Donald J. Trump for fueling divisive rhetoric, using the same old tired leftist talking points. On the “leftist talking points” subject, she also claims without evidence that “women and people of color are disproportionately the target of [internet] weaponization campaigns.”

She discusses “tactics” for these “weaponization campaigns” including spreading fake news, amplification, online harassment, and “fanning the flames,” which she defines as internet trolling.

The whole segment is an idiotic exercise in which Ryan claims that the political right is the only group using the aforementioned tactics, ignoring online death threats to the President from the likes of Kathy Griffin, and a bevy of examples of leftist hate online that would turn this article into a thesis if fleshed out completely.

So what is Ryan’s solution to the problem? Easy. Censor all conservative speech online.

“The best way to fight back against weaponization is to pressure the tech platforms,” she says. “I believe that social media can be a force for good again. But we can’t get there until [the tech companies] take responsibility for what’s gone wrong.”

The message from this ridiculous display is that “what’s gone wrong” is conservatives having a platform online. Media Matters and their ilk will stop at nothing to silence dissenting views.



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