Media Silent As “Islamic Party Of Ontario” Files To Become Official Political Party In Canada

The Islamic Party of Ontario has filed official paperwork for the Ontario elections.
Founded by Jawed Anwar, the Islamic Party of Ontario is a pro-Sharia Muslim party that has a goal of making Islam the dominant legal system of Canada. Anwar reserved the party name with Elections Ontario in October 2018.
Once the Islamic Party of Ontario is registered as a party, they will be able to:
- receive contributions and issue tax receipts
- finance the party’s political activities in a campaign period
- be reimbursed for campaign expenses
- have constituency associations and candidates
On the Islamic Party of Ontario’s official website, they openly state their goal of making all of Canada abide by Islamic law by democratic means. The party, as outlined in its proposed mission, is founded on and will be guided in its policy formation by the following principles, including full blown Islamic supremacy.
“The Islamic Party of Ontario believes in “Supremacy of God” and understands that it is our constitutional requirement to make all the rule of laws of Provinces and Federal in obedience and according to the will of God.”
The party has also asserted on its website’s “principles and policies” section that Islam is a legal system as opposed to a religion, even going as far as saying Islam should be the national legal system in Canada.
“Islam is the only, and oldest DEEN of GOD brought and started by Adam (p.b.u.h.), the first man and the first messenger of God, created by God without mother and father. It is the same DEEN brought by Jesus (p.b.u.h.) before Muhammad who born without father. It is a misconception that Islam is a “religion” created by Muhammad. Islam is the only way to attain peace and justice and provides laws without any prejudice”
“We understand and believe that Islam is the native DEEN of Ontario and Canada.”
Given that the Islamic Party of Ontario is composed of a pro-Sharia platform, some of the policies the party will work to implement include:
- Making Islam the dominant legal system of Canada and its provinces.
- “The relationship established under a marriage contract is a sacred union between a man and a woman. God made Adam and Eve –not Adam and Steve.”
- “The sexual relationship is only between men and women.”
- “We believe in a complete ban on abortion except in a situation when a mother’s life is in danger.”
- Ending gender identity. The party states that “Allah has created two genders: men and women.”
- “Liquor, drugs, adultery, gambling, etc. should be banned in society.”
Along with wanting a pro-Sharia party, Anwar, the founder, has also encouraged his supporters and fellow Muslims to attack “Islamophobes” and individuals who are outspoken about Sharia.
In a column he posted in October, Anwar targeted me, Jewish American journalist Laura Loomer, after I traveled to Toronto during the election cycle and exposed a terror tied ICNA-ISNA conference that was hosting jihadi speakers and refusing to allow Jews and Christians to attend the event they advertised as open to the public.
SHARIA Toronto!@LauraLoomer & @FaithGoldy tried to attend a HAMAS-linked ICNA & ISNA event in Canada featuring, Siraj Wahhaj & Linda Sarsour who call for Jihad
Despite the event being advertised as open to everyone, Laura & Faith were banned because they are Jewish & Christian
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) October 7, 2018
Anwar also described Tarek Fatah, a prominent journalist in Canada as “an open enemy of Islam and a hate-purveyor.”
Under Sharia, apostates like Tarek and infidels like myself can be punished by death for refusing to submit to Islam. By declaring us as enemies to Islam, one could argue that Anwar is essentially calling on Muslims to kill me and Fatah for our “fitnah”, public resistance or criticism of Islam, which is viewed as a greater crime than murder in Islam. In fact, the most severe crime in Islam is “shirk”.
“According to Saudi Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid, “in terms of sharee’ah [Islamic Law] or Islamic terminology, ‘shirk’ means ascribing a partner or rival to Allaah in Lordship, worship or in His names and attributes.” A major ‘shirk’ is committed also by “those who make fun of religion or who liken Allaah to His creation, or say that there is another creator, provider or controller besides Allaah.” Al-Munajjid explained that “the greatest sin is shirk” it is “not forgiven.”
In Fataawa Islamiyyah, 3/172, which is regarded as one of the most respected compilation of Islamic rulings, “the Christians and Jews are kuffaar [disbelivers] and mushrikeen [commit shirk].”
The punishment applied in the Islamic State on mushrikeen is execution.
The Hadith outlines that Muslims have a legal duty to kill apostates, infidels, and anyone who disrespects the Prophet Muhammed, who said: “Whoever changes his religion, put him to death.”
Jawed Anwar, the founder of the Islamic Party of Ontario, is operating his new party out of Thorncliffe, a neighborhood in Toronto.
It is worth noting that Thorncliffe is the same neighborhood where Faisal Hussein, the ISIS terrorist who opened fire and killed two people and injured 13 more, was living and became radicalized. In terms of US national security, Toronto is only an 8 hour drive from New York City, and there is no Northern border wall to prevent Islamic terrorists from coming into the United States from Canada.
Despite these disturbing facts and the documentation of the new party registration, the Canadian mainstream media has been silent on this matter. Along with the media’s reluctance to adequately and truthfully report on the growing Islamic terror threat in Canada, and their editorial decisions to white wash acts of Islamic terrorism that have occurred in the last few months, including the Danforth terror attack, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has also been unmoved by the steps made toward the creation of a Islamic political party.
Not only has the media and Canadian government been silent on the topic of Islamic terrorism, but in 2018, they proposed “Motion M-103, Systemic racism and religious discrimination,” a so called “anti-Islamophobia motion,” to curtail public criticism of Islam.
Canada is not the first Western nation to see the rise of an Islamic party. In Belgium, the Islam Party of Belgium has already elected three party members and plans to campaign in the European elections this year.
“We have every right to impose sharia here in Belgium, in the way we want,” said the Islam Party’s President Abdelhay Bakkali Tahiri
In the United States, both Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, two Muslim women who refused to condemn HAMAS, are being sworn into Congress on Thursday, January 3, 2018.
As you can see, the global Islamic movement is wasting no time this new year in its efforts to establish Sharia throughout all of western civilization.
Happy New Year, infidels.
Laura Loomer is a conservative investigative journalist and activist. Originally from Arizona, Laura began her career working as an undercover journalist for Project Veritas from 2015-2017. She covers politics, anti-Semitism, immigration, terrorism, the Islamification of the West, and voter fraud. Loomer’s investigations have been broadcasted on every major national mainstream media outlet in the United States, as well as many international publications. Support Laura Loomer’s Independent Journalism here:
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