Member of Cop Killing Defendant’s Gang Arrested For Illegally Entering Country

Law enforcement has identified police Corporal Ronil Singh’s suspected killer Gustavo Perez Arriaga as an affiliate of the Surenos street gang, which answers to the umbrella criminal organization known as the “Mexican Mafia.”

The Surenos street gang is notorious enough to warrant a 2014 documentary identifying the “Sur 13” organization as one of the “World’s Most Dangerous Gangs.”

Another member of this gang was arrested after illegally breaching the United States — in a story that predictably has not taken off in the mainstream media.

Border Patrol arrested a Mexican citizen who is admittedly part of the Surenos gang’s Sacramento operation on December 27, and law enforcement found the man had “an extensive criminal record.”

Gustavo Perez Arriaga, the suspected killer of California police officer Ronil Singh, was using two fake Social Security numbers in the United States.

ICE had no previous contact with Arriaga, which Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson blamed on sanctuary laws.

Stanislaus County, California Sheriff Adam Christianson announced Arriaga’s arrest following a manhunt for the suspect.

“I want justice for the Singh family,” Sheriff Christianson said, vowing that “We were never more than a step behind this guy.”

“I don’t have any information yet on prior deportations, I simply want to focus on the fact that this is a criminal illegal alien with prior criminal activity that should have been reported to ICE. We were prohibited, law enforcement was prohibited, because of sanctuary laws and that led to the encounter with Officer Singh. I’m suggesting that the outcome could have been different if law enforcement wasn’t restricted, prohibited, or had their hands tied because of political interference.”

“We have to have a conversation about restrictive legislation that puts our community at risk,” Christianson also said.



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