Michael Avenatti Lashes Out At Trump And ‘Right Wing Hacks’ After His Client Changes Her Story

Michael Avenatti is expressing apparent rage at President Donald Trump and “right wing hacks” as fair-minded Americans scrutinize the claims made by his client, Brett Kavanaugh’s third accuser Julie Swetnick.

Fox News Insider reported on commentator Guy P. Benson’s claim that Swetnick changed her story in her recent NBC interview, writing:

Swetnick said that she saw Kavanaugh “paw on girls” and “[touch] them in private parts” at parties as a high school student, but stopped short of claiming that he drugged or sexually assaulted her or other women.

On “America’s Newsroom” Tuesday, Benson said Swetnick “totally changed” her story in the interview.

He pointed out that Swetnick originally claimed that she saw Kavanaugh and his friends spike the punch at parties with drugs, but she amended that in the NBC interview, only saying that she saw Kavanaugh near the punch.

“Before the hearing with Dr. [Christine Blasey] Ford on Thursday, on Wednesday this Avenatti bomb gets dropped and all Democrats on the [Senate] Judiciary Committee validated it by reacting to it with an official letter calling on Kavanaugh to withdraw, based on a story that they knew nothing about,” Benson said.

He said the more we learn about Swetnick’s story, the more it looks like a “complete ludicrous hoax.”

Fox News Insider passage ends

Big League Politics reported:

Brett Kavanaugh’s third accuser Julie Swetnick was sued in 2001 for domestic violence against the man Richard Vinneccy in Miami-Dade County, according to court records.

Swetnick was also sued for defamation by the company Webtrends Corporation in 2000 according to court records.

A background search of Swetnick reveals two liens, including a 2014 federal tax lien of $40,303. She also has a Comptroller of Maryland Annapolis lean for $62,821.03.

Swetnick has sued the state of Maryland on repeated occasions.

“She started out in the mid-to-late 90s working for American Airlines, Marriott, U.S. Office Products, and Webtrends Corporation,” according to Heavy. “She then worked for Merck, Sharp & Dohme in Brussels as a Webtrends professional services engineer from July 2005 to January 2006.”

Julie Swetnick is listed as the defendant in a defamation lawsuit that Webtrends Corporation filed against her in 2000. It is now a closed case.

Swetnick, who is represented by Michael Avenatti, claimed that Brett Kavanaugh was present at gang rape parties, but did not provide conclusive evidence for her assertions, and she has now changed her story.

Here are the documents proving that Swetnick was the defendant in a domestic violence lawsuit that did not end with her being held liable.

2001 Domestic Violence Richard Vinneccy vs Julie Swetnick

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