Michigan School Fires Teacher For Writing ‘Trump Is Our President’ in Social Media Post

A school teacher was fired from his job after making a social media post in which he stated that “Trump is our president,” showing how there is no longer freedom of speech for conservatives in a diverse and multicultural America.
Social studies teacher and varsity baseball coach Justin Kucera says he was marshaled off into a room with Walled Lake school district officials after he made the following Twitter post:
I’m done being silent. @realDonaldTrump is our president ❌????
Don’t @ me
— Coach Kucera (@Coach_Kucera) July 7, 2020
In response to the tweet, the Walled Lake Western principal and district superintendent let him know he could either resign or be fired for making the innocuous tweet. The 1st Amendment of the Constitution is no more, if you’re a patriotic American, at least.
“I was required to meet with [human resources], the superintendent, and my principal [on July 10]. They initially took my statement on why I tweeted those tweets and they told me they would have a decision about my future employment in the upcoming days. When they completed the meeting, I was told I had the option to either be fired or resign.” Kucera told the Washington Free Beacon.
Kucera had no ill intent in making his pro-Trump social media post and could never have fathomed being fired over it.
“I know a lot of people are just rooting for Trump to fail, and I don’t think that anybody should do that,” he said. “Agree with him or not, you should want the president to do well. I apologized that [my tweet] brought so much negative attention, but I’m not sorry for what I said.”
Students and parents alike are heartbroken because of Kucera’s unfair dismissal for speaking his mind.
“Prior to Mr. Kucera’s tweet, I cannot recall an instance where he shared his political affiliations while teaching or coaching,” said Bryant Hixson, a recent graduate of Walled Lake Western.
“My political views have no impact on how I feel towards Mr. Kucera. Mr. Kucera has always been supportive of me as my AP World History and student leadership teacher and as my baseball and basketball coach,” Hixson added.
“Justin coached my son his entire high school career and also was his AP History teacher and student leadership teacher for two years. I know Justin very well,” a parent told the Free Beacon under the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal against their children.
“If there’s one thing that I would commend Justin for is, he always tried to stay apolitical. He always tried to stay right down the middle, avoid [political] conversations, and let the students make their own call based on their own life experiences,” the parent said, adding that he felt the school administration caved to a left-wing hate mob from largely outside of the district.
Big League Politics has reported on how teachers have been reprimanded nationwide for supporting President Trump and his patriotic “America First” agenda:
A Texas teacher who landed in hot water after her Tweets about illegal aliens in her school district surfaced.
“Georgia Clark was unanimously voted out of her English teaching job from Carter-Riverside High School in Fort Worth on Tuesday night,” according to Daily Mail.
In a series of Tweets, Clark pleaded with President Donald J. Trump to do something about the illegal alien crisis.
“Mr. President, Fort Worth Independent School District is loaded with illegal students from Mexico,” Clark Tweeted on May 17.
“Mr. President. I do not know what to do. Anything you can do to remove the illegals from Fort Worth would be greatly appreciated,” she said in another Tweet. “Carter-Riverside High School has been taken over by them. Drug dealers are on our campus and nothing was done to them when the drug dogs found the evidence.”
Clark recently deleted her Twitter account. When confronted by the school board, she said she thought her Tweets were private.
“Once the tweets came to light, so, too, did other allegations, and it was my professional judgment that it was in the best interest of the district,” Superintendent Kent P. Scribner reportedly said.
Clark was suspended last week.
The globalists said that diversity was our strength, but now that the Bill of Rights has been nullified, everyone can see that was a lie all along.