Military Hero Running for State Senate Explains Why Republicans Should Use Government to ‘Leverage’ Rival Countries on Trade, Immigration

Michigan state senate candidate Jonathan Lindsey recently appeared on Big League Politics Live where the Afghanistan combat veteran described his “America First” bid for office.

Lindsey, an Army green beret who received a Bronze Star for his military service, confirmed that his Trump endorsement was NOT purchased, which has been a rumor circulating in all likelihood to hurt Trump-backed candidates and sabotage their rise within the Republican Party.

Lindsey explained in the interview that he will be well-positioned to wield power if elected, along with other Trump-endorsed candidates, by forming a caucus of sorts that can throw a wrench in the gears of the GOP establishment in order to drive the party in a better direction.

“There is an opportunity to sit with leadership and say, ‘I’m not going to play the same game that everybody who has come through here before has, which is just go along to get along.’ We are going to have real discussions about how we can help the people of Michigan and not take no for an answer,” he said.

Lindsey talked up his bonafides on immigration and trade, making it clear that his stances on these issues are closely aligned with President Trump. He explained that he is not anti-immigration or anti-trade by any stretch of the imagination but believes the playing field should be leveled in order to protect America from hostile practices.

“Over 20, 30, 40 years, our leadership was asleep at the wheel while they were writing these trade policies that sometimes were good if they had been executed according to the terms, but instead you end up seeing the other side always looking out for their own people even to the extent of doing the nefarious actions within the trade agreement,” he said.

Lindsey said that Trump showed how Republicans can wield power to impact trade and immigration policy, rather than claiming that so-called principles prevent Republicans from doing anything that actually protects the American people.

“If they’re not acting in good faith, like I said, if they’re employing slave labor to do this, if they’re stealing intellectual property, you can push back and you should. And that doesn’t change you into being a true trade restrictions or an old tariff hawk or something like that,” he said, adding that “we have to use our leverage as a nation” to make hostile countries “play by the rules.”

Lindsey said that he hopes his run inspires more people to stand up, even though potential leaders might get put through the ringer, and make the sacrifice in order to help save their country.

“Pray about it, talk with people about it, figure out what you can do, but we need a lot of people stepping up right now,” he said, adding that county commissioner seats and school board seats are important in addition to the legislature.

The full BLP Live video can be seen here:

For more information on Lindsey’s candidacy for state senate in Michigan, visit

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