MISSING TAPE: Epstein Surveillance Footage During 1st Suicide Attempt Disappears
Shocking no one, the surveillance footage outside of convicted pedophile and Bill Clinton buddy Jeffrey Epstein’s cell during his first suicide attempt has gone up in smoke.
The New York Daily News reports:
Surveillance footage of the outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell at the troubled Metropolitan Correctional Center during his suicide attempt has gone missing, prosecutors revealed Wednesday.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold admitted nobody can find the footage of the outside of the cell the multimillionaire perv shared with accused quadruple murderer Nick Tartaglione during a hearing in White Plains District Court. Tartaglione, a former Briarcliff Manor cop, faces the death penalty for the alleged murders in a drug deal gone bad.
This news comes after months of speculation about why and how Epstein did or did not kill himself has swirled across the country and internet.
The speculation isn’t unfounded or even a conspiracy at this point. Prison guards who were supposed to be supervising Epstein during his incarceration have been arrested and confessed to altering documents saying they were observing the area Epstein was located, when they actually weren’t.
So it comes as no surprise that the footage from one of Epstein’s suicide attempts has seemingly vanished in thin air.
The nonexistent footage was only revealed after the inmate sharing a cell with Epstein requested the footage.
Lawyers for alleged multi-murderer, Nick Tartaglione, requested for the footage to be retained two days after Epstein’s first suicide attempt.
This footage was not retained, however, and appears to be lost forever.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Swergold confirmed that the footage could not be found and gave no explanation why.
Just another fishy occurrence surround the death of the wealthy pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.