Mississippi Governor Issues Historic Proclamation Declaring April as ‘Confederate Heritage Month’

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves has declared April to be Confederate Heritage Month in his state, as he pushes back against the Cultural Marxist war to debauch and erase American history.

Reeves signed the proclamation last week that made it official, and liberals are fighting mad as a result.

“As we honor all who lost their lives in this war, it is important for all Americans to reflect upon our nation’s past, to gain insight from our mistakes and successes, and to come to a full understanding that the lessons learned yesterday and today will carry us through tomorrow if we carefully and earnestly strive to understand and appreciate our heritage and our opportunities which life before us,” reads the proclamation Reeves that signed on April 3.

Far-left academics are angry that Reeves refuses to turn his back on the heroic southern ancestors who put their lives on the line to combat federal tyranny.

“In 1861, they were very clear on what the causes of the war were. The reason there was no compromise possible was that people in the country could not agree over the wisdom of the continued and expanding enslavement of millions of African Americans,” said Stephanie McCurry, an anti-American history professor at Columbia University, to the Washington Post.

“Lincoln could have avoided the Civil War if he had agreed to compromise on the nonextension of slavery, but that was one thing Lincoln refused to compromise on, and rightly so,” said Manisha Sinha, a historian at the University of Connecticut, to the New York Times.

However, in a letter to Horace Greeley, Lincoln made it clear that he would keep slavery in place if it meant preserving the Union under his boot.

“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that,” Lincoln explained to Greeley in an 1862 letter.

Reeves is enacting Confederate Heritage Month in part to push back against the onslaught of fake history that is being created at the University thought prisons across the country. The Mississippi branch of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV), a group in which Reeves used to be a member, are pleased with the decision.

The Mississippi SCV wrote on Facebook: “God bless the Confederate Soldier. He shall never be forgotten. Deo Vindice!” Deo Vindice, meaning “with God as our defender/protector,” served as the national motto for the Confederate States of America.

Even during the coronavirus pandemic, Reeves has not forgotten the legacy of his ancestors who put their lives on the line to secure the cause of Southern Independence. With another civil war being a possibility in the near future, symbols of patriotic resistance must be cherished and preserved. Reeves’ proclamation has gone a long way toward doing just that.

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