Romney Finally Admits: Did He Vote For Trump?

Mitt Romney, the losing 2012 presidential candidate who is now running second in the Utah Republican Senate primary, did not vote for Republican President Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton.
Romney admitted Wednesday that he wrote in his wife’s name rather than vote for Trump or Hillary Clinton. In effect, he was basically voting for Hillary Clinton. Romney came in second to state representative Mike Kennedy at the state convention, prompting a primary. The carpetbagger previously served as governor of Massachusetts.
Roger Stone predicts that Romney is running for the Senate to set himself up for a 2020 primary challenge to Trump, which would weaken the incumbent somewhat by forcing him to spend money and engage in another delegate fight at the GOP convention like the one in Cleveland in 2016.
Big League Politics recently reported:
Now that Mitt Romney is in second place in the Utah Republican Senate primary, he feels the need to keep weighing in on things he has nothing to do with.
The 2012 loser rained on the historic momentous opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem Monday, bringing negativity to an event that should be celebrated by freedom-loving Westerners everywhere. Romney is running second to Mike Kennedy, a Republican state representative in Utah.
Romney sniped at pastor and Trump adviser Robert Jeffress because Jeffress has criticized Islam and Mormonism.
Romney tweeted: “Robert Jeffress says, ‘You can’t be saved by being a Jew,’ and ‘Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.’ He’s said the same about Islam. Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem.”
Robert Jeffress gave a beautiful blessing at the embassy that showed the entire world that the United States of America now recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, not Tel Aviv as radical Muslim-pacifying progressives have long claimed.
Since Romney seems to carry ill will in his soul at this blessed time, all we can say is God Bless You, Mitt.