MLB Player Who Kneeled During Anthem Now Plays in Mexican Minor Leagues

Bruce Maxwell Mexican Minor Leagues

Before relocating to Mexico to play in the country’s minor leagues, Bruce Maxwell made headlines for being the only Major League Baseball player to kneel during the national anthem in 2017, then made headlines again after he was arrested for attacking a fast food delivery worker.

Maxwell has finally found a new team to call home in the Acereros de Monclova, an unaffiliated team in the Mexican town of Monclova, with about 230,000 residents. It stands to reason he no longer has cause for concern when it comes to whether or not to kneel.

Western Journal reported:

Bruce Maxwell made headlines when, as a catcher for the Oakland Athletics, he became the first and only player in Major League Baseball to kneel for “The Star-Spangled Banner” during the wave of national anthem protests in 2017.

Now he’s in a place where he’s probably not hearing it very much.

Maxwell, a 28-year-old catcher, is currently playing in the Mexican minor leagues for Acereros de Monclova, an unaffiliated Triple-A team in the northern city of Monclova.

The beleaguered baseball player generated a great deal of animosity after kneeling during the national anthem. He claims he and his family received death threats, and he was essentially run out of the sport in the United States.

He claims he chose to kneel during the anthem to draw awareness to social issues, echoing disgraced football player Colin Kaepernick.

He also faced a legal battle in the month after he began kneeling in 2017, when he pulled a gun on a food delivery worker. Maxwell admits the event occurred while he was drinking, and eventually agreed to a plea deal when charged with the crime.

After his kneeling episode and arrest, Maxwell fired his agent and blamed him for not finding him work in Major League Baseball.

Maxwell had previously been a catcher for the Oakland Athletics, where he was a pathetic .240 hitter.

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