Mother Diagnosed With Cancer Defies Doctor’s Orders and CHOOSES LIFE For Her Daugther!

A mom who defied an oncologist recommendation to abort her pregnancy and carry her baby to term is now celebrating her daughter’s 10th birthday.
Sarah Wickline Hull, who first posted her story on Facebook, is receiving viral recognition for disagreeing with her doctor’s recommendation to “terminate” her daughter’s life.
“People are talking about the medical necessity of abortion to save the mother’s life. I was one of those mothers.
I was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer that was cutting off my airway at 20 weeks of pregnancy. I will never forget when the first doctor, an oncologist, mentioned abortion. We had gone thru years of infertility to get pregnant. I knew I would rather die and give birth. Then I met with another doctor who listed all of the problems the baby would have if I did not terminate. I stood my ground and refused. He said, “That is ok. The baby will probably spontaneously abort anyway.”
I searched and found good doctors that supported me, and I gave birth to a healthy baby at 34 weeks.
I will be celebrating 10 years cancer free in May. I have a healthy, beautiful, bright, precious 10 year old daughter who is a living reminder that doctors do not know everything.”
Shared soon after the New York abortion bill passed, Hull hopes her story motives others to be “your own advocate when dealing with doctors,” according to Liftable.
“My point is that abortion is not always necessary for the mother’s health,” Hull states.
This uplifting personal story is a great addition to the numerous OB/GYNs who have outspokenly proclaimed that abortion in the third trimester is never medically necessary to save the mother’s life.
Omar L. Hamada, MD took to Twitter to join other medical doctors in debunking the “mother’s health” fallacy.