MONEY MONEY MONEY: Obama Paid Nearly $600,000 for Speech in Colombia

Former president Barack H. Obama was reportedly paid almost $600,000 for a speech in Bogota, Colombia, earlier this week according to ZeroHedge.
“According to the report, Obama earned ‘2 billion Colombian pesos,’ or $591,000 USD speaking at the EXMA conference, held Monday and Tuesday,” ZeroHedge said. “Conference attendees could also snap a photo with the former president for just 11 million Colombian pesos, or around $3,200.”
High-profile Democratic Party politicians have long been criticized for accepting huge sums to give speeches to Wall Street bankers and foreign entities. Obama received $400,000 in Sept. 2017 for a speech at a Wall Street health conference.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) infamously criticized failed presidential candidate Hillary R. Clinton for accepting $225,000 for speeches on Wall Street.
“Those must be some great speeches,” he said, tacitly accusing Clinton of being bought-and-paid-for by banksters.
Bill Clinton also gave two expensive speeches – clocking in at a total of $600,000 – in Saudi Arabia during the time when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, garnering “pay for play” allegations.
Fox News reported:
[Judicial Watch’s Tom] Fitton referenced reports of the Clinton Foundation receiving “staggering sums” of money from Saudi benefactors, estimated between $18 million and $50 million, he said. Fitton added: “While Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, Bill Clinton gave two speeches in Saudi Arabia earning a total of $600,000.”
“There is enough evidence to warrant serious investigations of the Clinton Foundation,” Fitton said.
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