More Americans Want to See Investigation into 2020 BLM/Antifa Riots Than January 6 Capitol Breach
A poll has revealed that more American voters would like to see an investigation into the protests and riots orchestrated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa last summer than the January 6 breach of the US Capitol.
The survey, conducted by the National Police Association in conjunction with Rasmussen Reports, found that two-thirds of likely voters would like to see Congress investigate the chaos that occurred in almost every major city following the death of George Floyd in May 2020. Twenty-one percent do not believe the riots warrant a congressional investigation, while thirteen percent were unsure.
In contrast, only 49 percent of those surveyed support the select House committee investigation into the events of January 6. A whopping 42 percent said they do not support the investigation, double the number of those who would not support one for the 2020 riots.
Similar majorities hold across racial groups and political affiliations. The poll found that at least 62 percent of people in each racial group supported a congressional investigation of the riots. That includes 67 percent of whites, 66 percent of Hispanics, 64 percent of blacks, and 62 percent miscellaneous minority groups. In addition, a full three-quarters of Republicans believe the riots warrant an investigation, as opposed to 60 percent of Democrats and 63 percent of independent voters.
Click here to review more findings from the Rasmussen survey. Former president Donald Trump linked to an OAN article about the survey results in a recent statement, sarcastically referring to the George Floyd riots as the “Summer of Love”:
Democratic mayors and governors have changed their tune on the police since last year, particularly since the election. Many cities across the country are experiencing spikes in violent crime. Several of them are trying to hire more police officers or allocate more funds for the force—quite the 180 from just last year, when many Democratic mayors and governors appeared to embrace the idea of “defunding the police” to varying degrees.