More Voters Believe That the US Will Go to War With China

An increasing number of American voters expect a war with China to break out in the near future.

44% of likely United States voters believe it’s likely the US government will go to war against China within the next five years, which includes 15% who view it as very likely. 44% don’t believe a war with China is likely, which includes 15% who believe it is not at all likely. An additional 12% are unsure. 68% of voters are confident in the ability of the US military to defeat the US’s foreign enemies, which includes 40% who are very confident.  27% aren’t confident in the American military’s ability to defeat foreign enemies.

Unsurprisingly, 64% of Democratic voters rate Biden good or excellent for the way he has handled national security issues and 70% of Republicans gave Biden a poor rating on the issue. 28% of independent voters gave Biden a good or excellent rating on national security issues                                               

82% of Democrat voters, 59% of Republican voters, and 63% of independent voters are at least somewhat confident in  the US military’s ability to defeat the US’s foreign foes. 56% of Democrats, 26% of Republicans, and 36% of independent voters are very confident that the US military can defeat foreign foes.

53% of Republican voters, 45% of Democrat voters,  and 41% of independent voters believe it’s at least somewhat likely that the US will go to war against China in the next five years.

57% of conservative voters, 33% of moderate voters, and 32% of liberals view war with China as at least somewhat likely taking place within the next five years.

39% of white voters, 46% of black voters, and 34% of other non-black minority voters rate Biden good or excellent for the way he has handled national security matters. 50% of white voters, 35% of black voters, and 44% of other non-black minorities gave Biden poor marks on national security.  

59% of voters making over $200,000 annually gave Biden a good or excellent rating for the way he has handled national security matters. Such a view is shared by 35% or less of voters in each yearly income bracket falling under $100,000.

A war with China would be a geopolitical event of catastrophic proportions as two nuclear powers would be directly going at it. This conflict would likely go nuclear, potentially leading to a worldwide disaster.

Realism and restraint are needed in this case. For sure, the US needs to stop immigration from China while also restricting trade from it. But as far as confronting China is concerned, belligerence is not an option. Cooler heads must prevail to avoid an otherwise preventable tragedy. 

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