MOVING GOALPOSTS: Bill Gates Now Says That It Could Take Multiple Vaccines to Stop Chinavirus Pandemic

DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 30JAN09 -William H. Gates III, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA captured during the session ‘Fresh Solutions for Food Security’ at the Annual Meeting 2009 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 30, 2009. Copyright by World Economic Forum by Sebastian Derungs

Technocratic oligarch Bill Gates is now saying that it could take multiple vaccines to stop the ongoing Chinavirus pandemic.

Bill Gates said on Wednesday that it will likely take multiple vaccine dosages for individuals to fully immunize themselves from COVID-19. He believes this means that up to 7 billion dosages of the vaccines would need to be administered nationwide.

“None of the vaccines at this point appear like they’ll work with a single dose,” Gates said. “That was the hope at the very beginning.”

Gates has fronted $300 million through his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help bankroll a COVID-19 vaccine. He says that globalism will be integral in the development of a workable vaccine to stop the coronavirus.

“If what you’re trying to do is block all the transmission, then you need to get 70-80% coverage on a global basis. So it’s unbelievably big numbers,” he said.

Gates says that we should just blindly accept the word of federal bureaucrats, who are often paid off by Big Pharma, when they say that COVID-19 vaccines are safe.

“The FDA, not being pressured, will look hard at that,” Gates said of potential side effects for the vaccine. “The FDA is the gold standard of regulators, and their current guidance on this — if they stick with that — is very very appropriate.”

Gates has blamed President Trump throughout the crisis because he did not shut everything down and rip up the Constitution because of COVID-19 mass hysteria.

“By almost every measure, the U.S. is one of the worst,” Gates said. “We opened up with cases increasing. Serious mistakes were made.”

Big League Politics has reported on how Gates has pushed vaccines throughout the crisis, exploiting the fear and panic within the public to get his shots into people:

The Trump administration has come out against a proposed digital tracking system that could tell authorities about an individual’s vaccination history.

The Orwellian measure has been proposed by technocratic oligarch Bill Gates, who is attempting to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to inch closer toward mandatory vaccinations.

“Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it,” Gates said during an “Ask Me Anything” appearance on Reddit about the coronavirus.

Attorney General Bill Barr is skeptical of Gates’ idea to tag people with these mark-of-the-beast implants. He said he is concerned about “the tracking of people and so forth, generally, especially going forward over a long period of time.” Barr also said that he is “very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing encroachments on personal liberty.”

However, Barr said he did feel like “appropriate, reasonable steps are fine.” This leaves the door open for some sort of government action in order to enforce vaccine compliance.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation bankrolled research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that advocated essentially tattooing vaccine data “directly into the skin” of children.

“Along with the vaccine, a child would be injected with a bit of dye that is invisible to the naked eye but easily seen with a special cell-phone filter, combined with an app that shines near-infrared light onto the skin. The dye would be expected to last up to five years, according to tests on pig and rat skin and human skin in a dish,” a Dec. 2019 Scientific American article wrote about Gates’ scheme.

Gates has been aggressively propagandizing on behalf of vaccines throughout the coronavirus pandemic. He has made it clear that he wants countless shots administered to supposedly stop the spread of coronavirus.

Gates is priming the pump for 666 mark-of-the-beast microchips to be given to the public. He serves a master, and that master certainly is not Jesus Christ.

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