MSNBC Admits Menstrual Changes After Covid Jab May Be ‘More Common Than Previously Known’

A store employee restocks tampons at Compton’s Market, in Sacramento, Calif., on June 22, 2016. (Rich Pedroncelli / AP file)

It appears the truth cannot be hidden forever. After months and months of denial of numerous Covid-19 inoculatoin side effects by people accross the country, a new piece out of the mainstream media reported that changes in a woman’s menstural cycle may be a common side effect.

Reported numbers for modified menstrual cycles post-inoculation were significant — MSNBC reported that a writeup published Friday in the journal Science Advances found that almost 1 in 2 women (42%) claimed to bleed more than normal following the injection. 14% said it was lighter. Even some women who are post-menopause experienced breakthrough or unexpected bleeding following their Covid shots, the study claims.

Included in the collected survey data were over 39,000 people 18 to 80 years old who were fully jabbed and had not been infected with Covid-19.

MSNBC explained that this survery began in April 2021, noting that some women had reported large bouts of bleeding following their recent Covid shot. Some did not seem to believe this. As the ouetlet wrote, “these anecdotes were at the time met with the rebuttal that there was no data linking menstrual changes to vaccination.” They then suggested that no data on such a side effect would have been possible in the past, pointing out that women involved with prior Covid-19 jab trials were never asked if they experienced menstrual changes.

“Before the vaccinations came out, I would say our knowledge on the subject of the connection between immunization and menstrual changes, in general, was nil,” said Candace Tingen, who is a program director with the gynecologic health and disease branch of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Tingen commented on how little public attention has been given into studying the effects of inoculation on a woman’s menstrual cycle, calling it a mistake. In her eyes, more transparency would lead to less hesitancy with such medicines.

“It was really this lack of information that I think caused confusion, fear and perhaps vaccine hesitancy,” she said.

MSNBC’s report was reacted to by cultural commentator June Lapine, more commonly known as ‘Shoe0nhead.’ Lapine pointed out that pregnant women were fired for not taking the Covid-19 shots, likely implying that such actions were unjust given the potential health consequences a childbearing woman could face upon being forced into taking the experimental injection.

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