MSNBC Legal Analyst and Law Professor Blames America’s ‘Deep Commitment to Free Speech’ for Disinfo Epidemic
A University of Michigan law professor is lamenting America’s “deep commitment to free speech” for supposed misinformation circulating that is causing more people to question the government.
Barbara McQuade, who also serves as an MSNBC legal analyst, appeared on “The Rachel Maddow Show” to promote her new book, “Attack from Within: How Disinformation is Sabotaging America.” Her book is described on Amazon as “an urgent, comprehensive explanation of the ways disinformation is impacting democracy, and practical solutions that can be pursued to strengthen the public, media, and truth-based politics,” and received a ringing endorsement from former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder.
“I hope that by dissecting [disinformation], explaining it, and educating the public, we can all see disinformation for what it is so that we can begin to push back against it,” McQuade said.
McQuade made it clear that her plan to defeat disinformation is by demonizing the 1st Amendment and calling for more government restrictions on speech. She hopes the Courts will step in and give the government more leeway to subvert the Constitution.
“Our deep commitment to free speech in our First Amendment. It is a cherished right. It’s an important right in democracy, and nobody wants to get rid of it, but it makes us vulnerable to claims [that] anything we want to do related to speech is censorship,” McQuade said.
“Of course, the Supreme Court has held that all fundamental rights, even the right to free speech, can be limited as long as there is a compelling governmental interest and the restriction is narrowly tailored to achieve that interest. But I think any time someone tries to do anything that might limit free speech, people claim censorship,” she continued.
“We need to have a conversation and common-sense solutions to these things,” she said. “Instead, we throw out terms like ‘censorship,’ call each other names, use labels and retreat to our opposite sides. We need to be pragmatic and come up with real solutions,” McQuade added.
When McQuade talks about disinformation, she is not talking about baseless claims that Trump is a Russian agent or liberal COVID hysteria that has been proven false. These lies have been perpetuated shamelessly on MSNBC for years without so much as an apology. What McQuade is referring to when she rails against disinformation is any speech that is unapproved by the globalist regime. This terrible woman is a cheerleader for the Orwellian Nightmare.