Murder Charges Filed Against Suspect in CHAZ Shooting of 19-Year Old Teen

Seattle prosecutors have filed first-degree firearm murder charges against 18-year old Marcel Levon Long for his alleged role in the shooting death of 19-year old Lorenzo Anderson in Seattle’s Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, a self-declared independent anarchist commune in the Washington city.

Curiously, Long is still at large. Authorities are alleging that he fled Washington state the day after the shooting, when he was identified as the shooter of Anderson by “high-quality” surveillance camera footage.

Footage is purported to reveal Long approaching Anderson with a handgun near an occupied former precinct of the Seattle police. Anderson tries to leave the scene after being confronted by the armed suspect, only for Long to follow him with a mob of militants who had styled themselves as the “security” for the anarchist commune.

The two men, who supposedly had a history of feuding, got into a fistfight. At some point in the confrontation, Long drew his weapon and shot at Anderson at four times. The teenager was later found dead at the scene. Police, who had retreated from the area of CHAZ, were late reaching the scene from territorial Seattle, losing precious minutes that could’ve potentially allowed first responders to save the life of Anderson.

Authorities are still seeking to apprehend Long, whose whereabouts remain unknown.

There were a total of four shootings- all committed by so-called CHAZ security- in the anarchist commune during its approximate month of existence. It didn’t escape the notice of the critics of the bizarre social experiment that the inhabitants of the leftist utopia appeared to be demonstrably more violent than the Seattle Police, an organization CHAZ’s founders pointed to as an impetus for their anarchist secessionist project. Another shooting resulted in the tragic death of a 16-year old black boy trying to escape the thuggery of CHAZ security, who CHAZ organizers had referred to as a “Nazi” in a callous tweet celebrating the murder.

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