Muslims Protest British Schools for ‘Promoting Homosexuality’


In a shocking display of intolerance towards the LGBT community, British Muslims protested a Birmingham public school for what they described as promoting homosexuality.

“A group of Muslim parents have staged a protest outside a primary school with a gay assitant [sic] head teacher after claiming its sex education programme was ‘over-promoting LGBT movements,'” according to DailyMail.

Islamic scholars “overwhelmingly teach that same-gender sex is a sin.” This, of course, is diametrically opposed to the beliefs of Western liberals, who have long supported mass importation of Muslims into their nations under the guise of refugeeism. Apparently, they did not foresee this culture clash, despite warnings from conservatives.

According to the report:

Outraged mother Fatima Shah, who has taken her 10-year-old daughter out of the school, said: ‘It’s inappropriate, totally wrong.

‘Children are being told it’s OK to be gay yet 98 per cent of children at this school are Muslim. It’s a Muslim community.

‘I’ve taken my daughter out and other parents have too. Enough is enough.

‘Sex relationship education is being taught without our consent. We’ve not been informed about what’s being taught.

‘Mr Moffat is running what’s called CHIPS – challenging homophobia in primary schools – and it’s totally against Islamic beliefs.

‘My child came home and told me am I OK to be a boy? It’s confusing children about sexuality.

‘I want my child to learn about English, maths and science.

‘I’m keeping my daughter away from the school until something is done. I’ve been paying £20-an-hour tuition at home instead.’

Shah’s comments are remarkably similar those of Christian conservatives, who are constantly lambasted as “homophobic” for asking schools not to indoctrinate their children into the LGBT lifestyle. Given their status as “diverse” members of society, or “people of color,” it appears that the British Muslims will be given a pass by the leftwing media.

As usual, the double standard is glaring.

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