MUST WATCH: CEO Shreds Gillette’s Anti-Male Propaganda With Video Rebuke

Egard Watches published a two minute response to Gillette’s anti-masculinity advertisement, showing the true trials and hardships of modern men and celebrating their achievements.
The emotional short YouTube film, titled “What is a man?” reveals the stunning suicide, workplace death, depression, and homelessness rates men suffer, was published in response to Gillette’s ad attacking and mocking masculinity.
The video asks “What is a man? Is a man brave? Is a man a hero?” Revealing shocking statistics revealing male suffering and featuring dramatic shots of men to match each question. The video concludes, “We see the good in men.”
Egard Watches CEO Illan Srulovicz revealed in the video’s comments that he alone was behind the production of the video, including doing the research, editing, and voice over himself. He added that he went against the wishes of his company to publish the ad, with his public relations team telling him it would destroy his brand.
Rather than backing down, Srulovicz took the risk to post the pro-masculinity video.
“I can not tell you how many people told me not to make this video and how it would ruin my brand,” Srulovicz wrote, “People have become scared to portray men in a positive light and that realization made me realize I had to do it even if it meant risking something that means so much to me.”
Srulovicz explained that his company was created as a tribute to his father, and that his father’s memory drove him to create the pro-masculinity video.
“I made this brand for my father as a tribute to him… I made this video alone… it’s my voice, my editing,” he wrote, “I feel that standing up for what I see is the best tribute to him as well. It means a lot that other people such as yourself feel the same.”
With only 75,000 views at press time, the video has a stunning a 13,000 ‘likes’ and less than 200 ‘dislikes’ on YouTube. This marks a sharp contrast to Gillette’s video attacking masculinity, which has become one of the most hated videos on YouTube with nearly 900,000 ‘dislikes’.