MUST WATCH: Laura Loomer Uses Establishment Smears as Proof of Authenticity in New Campaign Ad

Florida Congressional contender Laura Loomer can no longer be ignored now that she defeated her primary challengers to be the Republican nominee for U.S. Rep in Florida’s 21st District, so the political establishment is intent upon attacking her and destroying her momentum.
Loomer, who is the most banished woman in the history due to her work as a journalist, is using the smears in a new campaign ad titled: “Why They Attack.”
The ad features commentary from a bipartisan group of establishment hacks. Disingenuous smears are compiled from the National Review, CNN, Washington Post, Daily Beast, Vox, Business Insider, Vanity Fair, the New Yorker and other sources to build the case that Loomer is the outsider who will go to Washington D.C. to fight entrenched corruption.
“Congressional candidate Laura Loomer is headed to Congress,” the ad states. “This terrifies the establishment politicians in Washington, and now, they’re working hand-in-hand with the media to slander her with lies.”
“Washington politicians fear Laura Loomer for one simple reason: She’s a fighter. Laura Loomer doesn’t deserve political parties or special interests. As a journalist, she exposed corrupt politicians in Washington, and as a Congresswoman, she won’t stop,” the ad continues.
“And they won’t stop attacking her because they know that this young Jewish woman will expose all of them while serving all Floridians. On November 3rd, send a fighter to Congress. Vote for Laura Loomer,” the ad concludes.
The full ad can be seen here:
While the political establishment wants to dismiss Loomer as a gadfly or an extremist, her fundraising numbers show that she is a big league contender and maybe even the front-runner heading toward November’s general election.
Big League Politics has reported on how Loomer has consistently crushed her opponent – incumbent Democrat Lois Frankel – in the fundraising department:
Congressional candidate and banished journalist Laura Loomer is showing that she is a serious contender to be reckoned with, crushing her incumbent Democrat opponent in fundraising numbers for a second straight quarter.
Loomer’s campaign announced last week that she raised $202,135 during the 4th quarter of 2019 from a wide variety of small donors. She has received support from 7,000 donors, with the average donation being $56, while entrenched swamp creature Lois Frankel relies largely on special interests to fill her campaign coffers.
“I’m grateful for the support of Floridians and the ongoing contributions from Americans across the nation. Our fundraising success is proof that our America First message resonates with a majority of the public,” Loomer said.
Loomer’s chief strategist Karen Giorno, who worked as President Trump’s 2016 Florida State Director, pointed out how shamefully narrow Frankel’s donor base is.
Giorno said: “It’s astonishing that a sitting member of Congress has only 159 donors to support a reelection campaign. The lack of effort by Lois Frankel is emblematic of her do-nothing tenure in Congress. She’s earned the name, ‘Lazy Lois.’”
In addition to beating Frankel, Loomer is also crushing all of her primary competition within the GOP in the 21st Congressional district of Florida. Loomer’s campaign is particularly critical of Frankel for taking money from PACs funded by gun-grabbing former New York City mayor and current Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg.
“Unlike our opponent, Lois Frankel, our campaign doesn’t rely on large contributions from fat cat donors, teacher’s unions and Michael Bloomberg. We’ve had to work hard and reinvest donations to build a massive base of fundraising and grassroots support that will serve us through November,” Giorno said.
What is most astonishing is how Loomer has raised the money despite being deplatformed by all major social media platforms. She is currently suing the Big Tech giants, alleging their conspiracy to censor her constitutes the type of electoral interference that Democrats regularly accuse the Russians of committing.
“Despite being shut down by Big Tech, we’ve put in the hard work to stay connected with supporters on a daily basis. Now that’s it’s 2020, we’ll be applying those same efforts to connect with and engage voters in District 21. We’re winning this. This campaign will not be silenced,” Loomer said.
“In what used to be a Democrat stronghold, constituents in Florida 21 are quickly realizing the dangers of people like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and their enablers like Rep. Lois Frankel and Joe Biden,” said Karen Giorno, who works as chief strategist of Loomer’s campaign.
“Loomer is rewriting conventional wisdom, using many of the Left’s own tactics against them. This has Democrats at the highest levels panicking, but Loomer is prepared for anything they throw at her,” Giorno added.
If Loomer can overcome the vast establishment conspiracy to prevent her campaign from achieving victory, she will be arguably the most independently-minded Congressperson in the chamber.