BREAKING: Racist Ralph Northam Skips Political Event As NAACP Protests

UPDATE: Ralph Northam skipped his political fundraiser with a Democrat state senator Sunday as the NAACP protested him.
John Findley, executive director of the Republican Party of Virginia, which jointly protested, told Big League Politics in a statement:
“Ralph Northam is skipping party fundraisers because he clearly can’t look voters in the eye due to his actions, which have made Virginia a laughingstock nationwide.”
Original report below
Racist Virginia Democrat governor Ralph Northam continues to be unable to function effectively as governor or party leader, as evidenced by the NAACP protest against him Sunday — the latest in a series of progressive protests against Northam that do not appear to be stopping anytime soon. This comes on the heels of Northam skipping the Census meeting and getting cancelled by a historically black college that did not want to entertain his apologetic “listening tour.”
Big League Politics published a photo from Northam’s medical school yearbook in which the future governor was wearing either blackface or a Klan hood — prompting national outrage and calls for Northam’s resignation. While Northam decided to stick in office, his political power is diluted and even his own state party originally disowned him in public.
“Northam makes me want to Ralph,” read one sign at the protest, according to WUSA9’s Sarah Konsmo. The protest convened outside an event Northam is holding with a Democrat state senator — which he skipped.
A protest at a fundraiser…two sides of the aisle calling out Virginia Governor Ralph Northam after a blackface scandal. They say they won’t forget it. @WTOP
— Liz Anderson (@PlanetNoun) April 14, 2019
Just weeks after Big League Politics exposed Virginia’s Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam as a racist, the embattled public servant was rejected from Virginia Union University, where he was scheduled to appear for the first stop on his “listening tour” to atone for his racist past.
“Student Government Association President Jamon Phenix penned a letter addressed to Gov. Northam demanding he back out of the event, explaining that the students ‘feel as though your presence takes away from the historical significance of our commemoration,’” said a VICE report.
VUU is a historically black university. Northam heeded the demands of the VUU student body.
According to the report, the Governor was invited to the school later this year for a “roundtable discussion.”
“There was no real reconciliation. If he was to attend, he would not be on the platform and he would not have said anything. Where’s the reconciliation inside of just a presence?” Phenix reportedly told VICE.
Northam has refused to resign, despite calls from multiple high-level Democratic lawmakers and groups. Over the weekend, the Democratic Governor’s Association and the NAACP both re-upped their calls for Northam’s resignation.
Still, the Governor hangs on by a thread.
His lieutenant, Justin Fairfax, stands accused of rape by two women, charges which he vehemently denies. Fairfax has also refused to resign, and the #BelieveAllWomen crowd has been noticeably less supportive of his accusers than they were of the accusers of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Attorney General Mark Herring, who called for Northam to resign when the original blackface/KKK robe photos were published, later admitted to wearing blackface himself. He has ceased his calls for Northam’s resignation, and has not resigned either.
For Northam, the soul train derailed before its first stop. Despite that, it rolls onward.
I reported for Big League Politics in a piece headlined “Soul Train”:
Racist Virginia Democrat governor Ralph Northam is setting off on a “listening tour” of the state to address his own well-documented racist past — which includes blackface or a Klan hood, blackface in emulation of Michael Jackson, and a collegiate screed about “the city streets.”
Northam’s listening tour will also featureNortham describing “what he he has learned from his own experiences,” according to an adviser.
America will be sure to listen closely to what Northam has learned since his racism finally caught up with him.
As protesters call for his resignation, and his own state party abandoned him, Northam is trying to become the world’s least convincing social justice warrior. A Daily Kos poll shows 60 percent of Virginians favor resignation and 24 percent hope he will stick it out.
Ralph Cops To ‘White Privilege’
Ralph Northam said in an interview with CBS’ Gayle King that his racism scandal has been “eye-opening” for him.
“Well, several things, starting with I was born in white privilege and that has implications to it and it is much different the way a white person such as myself is treated in this country …”
“And again, talking to a lot of friends, that has come crystally clear to me this week. I’ve also learned why the use of blackface is so offensive. And yes, I knew it in the past, but reality has really set in.”
“Certainly, Ms. King, I am not the same person now at age 59 that I was back in my early 20s,” Northam stated, noting that “we’re all on a learning curve.”
Ralph Calls Slaves ‘Indentured Servants’
Northam pretty much ruined his “white privilege” apology with this sound byte:
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam: "We are now at the 400-year anniversary — just 90 miles from here in 1619. The first indentured servants from Africa landed on our shores in Old Point Comfort, what we call now Fort Monroe, and while—"@GayleKing: "Also known as slavery"
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) February 10, 2019
Ralph Starts Reading ‘Roots’
Buzzfeed News reported: “Northam doesn’t plan to hold any more press conferences any time soon. Advisers are in the midst of negotiations with major networks for a nationally televised interview they hope will humanize him. Additionally, his advisers have assigned the governor homework: He’s begun to read Alex Haley’s “Roots”, and “The Case for Reparations,” the seminal essay in The Atlantic by Ta-Nehisi Coates.”
Ralph Ignores African-American Protesters at the Capitol
The African-American community is not very happy with Ralph Northam, but the governor does not appear to be in a hurry to greet the protesters agitating for his resignation.
WATCH LIVE: @howleyreports and @pdabrosca are reporting live from the State Capitol in Richmond, VA
Hundreds of protestors are on hand to demand the resignation of Ralph Northam
— Big League Politics (@bigleaguepol) February 4, 2019
Ralph Gets Wrecked By Twitter Comments
The embattled governor managed to add a layer of needless disgrace to the memorializing of a fallen state trooper, who deserved to be recognized by an actual respected governor and not a worldwide figure of derision and scorn in the throes of a media firestorm.
“My heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends of Trooper Lucas Dowell. We are grateful for his dedication to the safety of our communities, and for all of those who put themselves in harm’s way to protect others,” Northam tweetedfrom the official Virginia governor’s account.
Here are some of the many anti-Northam comments on the tweet, which prove conclusively that Ralph Northam will never be able to be a real governor at this point and every day that he drags this out without resigning is just another day that he embarrasses the state of Virginia:
“Resign, Northam.
Northam has ALWAYS been part of the problem… we just have proof now
Agreed to condolences, and #ResignRalphNortham !
Just resign already
DEMOCRATS have ruined my state of VA. We have to choose between a suspected racist or suspected rapist. And they call MAGAs the party of hate? Really?
Resign dude. This is not going away and we are going to continue to remind you until you step down.
Why are you still in office??
Please make your next tweet your resignation. #NorthamShouldResign”
Ralph Gets Wrecked By His Black Former Opponent E.W. Jackson
E.W. Jackson, the black Republican leader who ran against Ralph Northam for lieutenant governor in 2013, delivered a rousing condemnation of the Virginia Democrat governor on the state Capitol steps. Jackson made it clear how repugnant Northam’s views really are — years after Northam refused to shake Jackson’s hand in their 2013 debate.
E.W. Jackson tells Big League Politics that he is hesitant to play the race card, but he genuinely believes that Northam has “racial animus in him,” citing Northam’s refusal to shake Jackson’s hand during their televised debate. Northam is clinging to the governorship after BLP published his blackface-KKK yearbook photograph.
Ralph Says He Darkened His Skin To Look Like Michael Jackson
The moonwalk might have saved him…