National Association for Gun Rights Condemns ATF’s Recent Gun Grab

You can mark the National Association for Gun Rights as firm opponents of the ATF’s new rule to criminalize millions of Americans who own AR and AK pistol braces.
In a statement released on December 17, 2020, NAGR condemned a final rule expected to be published by the ATF on December 18 regarding the regulation of pistol braces. According to AWR Hawkins of Breitbart News, the ATF will place pistol braces under the scope of the National Firearms Act (1934), which means that a number of AR pistols featuring stabilizer braces would have to be registered with the ATF “through the same process undertaken when purchasing a suppressor, machine gun, short-barreled rifle, or short-barreled shotgun.”
In response to this ATF news, NAGR will start gathering and sending petitions to the ATF once their final rule is published.
“The timing of this whole thing stinks to high heaven. If the ATF thinks they can ram this through over Christmas and New Year without us noticing, they are in for a rude awakening,” declared Dudley Brown, the President of NAGR.
In its concluding statement, NAGR made it clear that it will be in firm opposition to the ATF and will be working to lobby the Trump administration to put pressure on the ATF to reverse course:
Rest assured, the National Association for Gun Rights OPPOSES this and any action by the ATF to regulate or ban pistol braces. We will use the power of our 4.5 million members to lobby President Trump, demanding the Department of Justice stand down and abandon this unconstitutional rule which violates our right to keep and bear arms.
Unquestionably, NAGR is one of America’s leading no compromise gun lobbies.
While establishment gun lobbies are busy looking at generic forms of gun control, NAGR is willing to take the battle to the very bureaucratic epicenter where gun control originates. Few organizations are willing to do what it takes to truly downsize the gun control machine.
In that regard, NAGR is in a league of its own thanks to its tireless efforts to expose the ATF and all unconstitutional gun control at the federal level.