National Review ERASES Article Comparing MAGA Kids To ‘Spitting On The Cross’
In an attempt to back pedal after throwing a group of high school kids to the wolves, National Review quietly erased their article condemning the teenagers, and began posting tweets sympathetic to them on Twitter.
Less than 12 hours after publishing the sharp toothed hit piece, “The Covington Students Might as Well Have Just Spit on the Cross”, National Review quietly purged the article from its website after facts came out vindicating the students in the viral video, which purportedly showed the Catholic high school students surrounding and intimidating a Vietnam veteran.
The article, which condemned the Catholic school students as anti-Christian, was written by National Review deputy managing editor Nicholas Frankovich. It was published at nearly 3 a.m. this morning, and was erased from the website by 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Fortunately, the hit piece had already been archived.
In his now-deleted article, Frankovich compares the children to the Roman soldiers responsible for the torture and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, describing their actions as “evil”:
It appears that most of the teenagers in this video are from a Catholic high school near Covington, Kentucky, across the Ohio River from Cincinnati. They mock a serious, frail-looking older man and gloat in their momentary role as Roman soldiers to his Christ. “Bullying” is a worn-out word and doesn’t convey the full extent of the evil on display here.
Frankovich also attempts to appeal to Christians’ desire to be Christ-like, begging the question at the end of the article, “Decide for yourself who is more pleasing to Christ, Phillips or his mockers,” and concluding, “As for the putatively Catholic students from Covington, they might as well have just spit on the cross and got it over with.”
As Big League Politics reported yesterday, the students, who are accused of making racist chants directed at a Native American veteran while physically intimidating him, have been completely vindicated after a lengthier video shows the Native American approached them and began drumming and chanting. The teens, who both provided their story to various right wing media outlets and had it corroborated via video, maintain that they were respectful and confused by the man’s presence.
Indisputable video evidence of the entire interaction shows the Native man approaching the boys as they stood doing school chants on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The press blatantly flipped the narrative around. The boy at the center of the video, who has been demonized and doxxed by internet crazies, did not approach the Native man. The Native man approached him.
After these facts came to light, National Review journalists began posting tweets defending the teenagers, and condemning the media frenzy which they had been a part of mere hours earlier.
Agreed. The mobbing and threatening of these kids has been disgraceful. And now we’re on the phase of the controversy where it’s apparently important to tell the world that their school is some sort of hellhole.
— David French (@DavidAFrench) January 20, 2019
Without verifying their information, the left wing media and their allies in the #NeverTrump coalition, including National Review, published an incessant flurry of hit pieces slamming the students. Many of these hit pieces resulted in the doxxing of the students, and a series of death threats made against them on social media.
Big League Politics reporters have also unveiled troubling facts about the Native American man at the center of the controversy. The man, Nathan Phillips, has a long track record of making media appearances to accuse others of “anti-Native racism” and is now fundraising with the Native Youth Leadership Alliance, a shady group that receives money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Social Justice Fund Northwest.