Nationwide March Against CPS Tyranny And Human Trafficking Aims to Activate In 50 States

Citizen organizers are assembling an historic nationwide march against human trafficking and Child Protective Services (CPS) corruption on March 6, 2022. Child Protective Services is under massive nationwide scrutiny for wrongfully seizing children from parents, for seriously investigating parents for educational neglect if they choose to keep their kids home from school in the age of Coronavirus tyranny, for investigating parents as a political intimidation tactic, and for targeting parents with predictive analytics programs that find parents guilty of hypothetical bad parenting decisions even if they have not made any mistakes in reality. Parents have had enough.
“It’s a nationwide march to end human trafficking and CPS corruption, many of the people involved were trafficked or had their children taken by CPS,” Annette Rauch, the main citizen organizer, tells Big League Politics. Annette Rauch is joined in her efforts by citizen journalists Penny Shepard and Meghan Walsh, daughter of longtime America’s Most Wanted host John Walsh, with whom she is in conflict. “We have literally hundreds of emails right now, and Meghan (Walsh) has other people. The flyers are out there. There are a couple hundred people in my inbox right now organizing in cities around the country.”
The march comes on the heels of whistleblower Karena Feng’s announcement that she is running for Congress in California. Karena Feng’s ex-boyfriend Paul Pelosi Junior, son of Nancy Pelosi, used CPS to wrongfully seize Feng’s children to intimidate her for a Pelosi business deal. Now Feng is an advocate for parents like her, and the anti-CPS Truth Movement is growing.
Annette Rauch will likely be in Las Vegas on March 6 when the event takes place. Meanwhile, her fellow activists will be setting up marches hopefully in all 50 states. “We need people to call me. We need lots and lots and lots of people,” said Annette, who volunteered her phone number for this article: 332-200-0149.
“I was a trafficked victim and I had my child taken by CPS wrongfully, and they admitted they knew the case was false,” Annette said, inspiring her to take on the cause of ending CPS corruption. “I was trafficked and I was tortured.”
Annette, Meghan Walsh, and Penny Shepard announced their march on The Campaign Show with Patrick Howley on Patriots Soapbox (the interview begins at the 23:20 mark in the video below)
