Naval Academy Professor Exposes The Wokificaition of the Military
United States Naval Academy professor Bruce Fleming recently released a book detailing his struggle to prevent service academies from going woke.
Fleming has gained notoriety for sharply criticizing the school’s practices, which led him to being disciplined.
His new book, “Saving Our Service Academies: My Battle With, And For, The US Naval Academy To Make Thinking Officers,” was published on January 9, 2024. The book deals with heightened concerns about leftist political ideologies taking over and ultimately weakening US military academies.
In phone phone correspondence with The College Fix, Fleming stated that the largest threat to military academies is currently the
discouragement of rational discourse and the non-stop pursuit for ideological orthodoxy.
“Instead of encouraging rationality and discussion from people who actually know what’s going on, things are imposed from the top down that are frequently disastrous,” Fleming stated.
“The United States hasn’t won a war in the last 75 years. I would maintain that’s because a culture has arisen of kissing the behind of the officer that’s your commander,” he continued.
In his book, Fleming wrote that service academies are no longer to carry out the roles that the government tasked them with, and instead “teach blind obedience in officers rather than informed and respectful questioning, and so sap our military strength rather than increasing it.”
Fleming believes that the academies must be placed under further review. He is a former Fullbright Scholar ad has been a professor at the Naval Academy in Annapolis for 36 years.
“The battle ‘with’ is that I started writing articles about 20 years ago that the administration didn’t approve of, and they started punishing me at an increasing scale,” Fleming said to The Fix. “The battle ‘for’ is committed to what the Naval Academy says it is, but not at all to the unfortunate reality of what it actually is.”
Fleming connected this cultural shift in the military to the botched US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, descriving it an “endemic threat.”
“People on the ground like the enlisted in Afghanistan who look at the situation and say, ‘This is awful, this isn’t going to work’ — they weren’t listened to,” he said to The Fix. “The top brass was too interested in looking good rather than producing results.”
On top of that, he noted that the“immediate problem” is “stopping the imposition of all of these culture war topics” on the service academies and military.
The cultural Left views all facets of human activity as potential springboards for its degenerate agenda. In the military’s case, the Left wants it under its control so that it can have a vast coercive apparatus. A left-wing dominant military could then be turned on the rest of the country that is not down with the globalist/anti-white/multicultural agenda.
Patriotic right-wingers need to do everything possible to expose the military’s wokification in addition to slowly taking back ground in the military that was initially seized by the Left.