Nearly SIX WEEKS’ Worth of Leaked Text Messages Show Kenosha District Attorney Getting Chummy with BLM Activist

Kenosha County Eye has reported that Kenosha District Attorney Michael Graveley and Black Lives Matter activist Whitney Cabal exchanged numerous text messages over approximately six weeks from mid-August to late September.

Kenosha was the Wisconsin city where violent, destructive rioting occurred and where Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two rioters in apparent self-defense back in late August.

Thirty-seven pages of text messages between Graveley and Cabal were leaked to Kenosha County Eye back in mid-October. Many of them appear to show District Attorney Graveley keeping Cabal in the loop on the Wisconsin DOJ’s investigation into the Jacob Blake shooting, which is trying to implicate Rittenhouse in first-degree homicide.

Via Kenosha County Eye:

In one message, Cabal warns Graveley that “KPD is gonna burn out.”

In another message, the two seem to make breakfast plans. It should be noted that Graveley is married.

This exchange is a very bizarre one, especially for Kenosha County’s top prosecutor.

Here is the screenshot of Graveley and Cabal making breakfast plans:


Cabal, who also goes by “Billy Violet,” openly empathized “100 percent” with violent rioters and looters destroying the city of Kenosha in the name of “racial justice”:

As for District Attorney Graveley, he tried to explain the text messages to Kenosha County Eye in what they described as an “intimidating email”:

Graveley called the source “slimy” and “cowardly” for sharing his text messages with Kenosha County Eye.

Graveley (D) insists the reason for his weeks of texting with Cabal is he was having a “dialogue with all parties”. Some in the community don’t think he should be putting much weight into what she has to say after she openly condoned the rioting and looting that occurred in Kenosha due to the Kenosha Police shooting Jacob Blake.

Graveley has come under fire in his tenure from the left and the right. DA Graveley’s department has sided with law enforcement with many high-profile fatal shootings, such as Michael Bell and Aaron Siler. Many are expecting the same with KPD Officer Rusten Shesky.

Here’s hoping that despite all this, Kyle Rittenhouse will receive a fair trial and a fair outcome in the end. Actual justice must be served, not the false perversion of justice that BLM agitators are seeking.

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