Neocon Nutcase Nikki Haley Demonstrates Yet Again Why She’s Unqualified To Run for the US Presidency
Neoconservative darling Nikki Haley recently came out in favor of getting rid of online anonymity, demanding that all social media account holders verify their accounts with a government identification.
Haley proclaimed that anonymous social media accounts and “misinformation” are a “national security threat.”
During an interview with Fox News, Haley stressed her demand for transparency in social media algorithms. She argues that the understanding of algorithms would reveal the reasons behind certain content delivery on these platforms.
Haley manifested her concerns regarding the increase in unverified accounts on social media and the alleged misinformation she claims they disseminate. She labels these as potential threats to national security that must be addressed swiftly and decisively. She expressed her point of view, holding that “Every person on social media should be verified by their name. It’s a national security threat.”
“I want everybody’s name,” Haley declared on the Ruthless podcast.
Haley also put forward a strategy to stymie bot activity coming from China, Iran, and Russia, by implementing stringent verifications for social media accounts. She believes this measure would improve conduct on these platforms, contending that the knowledge of their posts being seen by known users would bring about a rise in “civility.”
Should Haley’s vision for Intent anonymity become a reality, the US government would have an easier time snooping on people and potentially prosecuting them for mere dissent. Here’s the thing, the US is clearly in a post-constitutional moment where its political class is more than willing to destroy rights at will. With the end of Internet anonymity potentially at their disposal, this will give these parasites another avenue to destroy freedoms.
Moreover, heightened surveillance could create chilling effects that would make dissidents more reluctant to speak out against the federal government.
Anonymity is as American as apple pie. For example, the authors of the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote under the pen name “Publius” to argue for the ratification of the Constitution in order to avoid potential backlash. Had they not been permitted to write anonymously, America as we know it, would not exist.
Make no mistake about it, what Haley is proposing is as anti-American as it gets. It’s a major affront against free speech and opens another door for the government to tyrannize Americans.
For that reason, among others, Republican voters would be wise to categorically reject Haley at the polls throughout the GOP primary.