New Caravan Marches Through Guatemala

The new migrant caravan is on its way from Central America to the U.S. southern border.

Approximately little more than 1,300 migrants from Honduras legally crossed the border in Guatemala, and the caravan was marching through that country as of press time Wednesday. (READ: Ilhan Omar Promotes Central American Migrants on House Floor).

The caravan’s next stop will be Mexico, and then presumably the caravan will continue toward the United States. Some migrants from the first caravan ended up in Mexico permanently.

The previous caravan was widely considered a failure, and individuals including from that trip now blame Pueblo Sin Fronteras, the organizing group of the first caravan which has also promoted the new caravan.

The Associated Press reported:

Adelaida Gonzalez, 37, of Guatemala City, who joined the caravan with her 15-year-old son and neighbor, said that now that she is in Tijuana, she wishes she had accepted Mexico’s offer to stay and work in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas.

“We were never told along the way that it would be this hard,” said Gonzalez, after seeing the border wall topped with razor wire and the long waiting list for asylum seekers.

A Pueblo Sin Fronteras leader, Irineo Mujica, emphatically rejected the criticism.

“Our commitment first and foremost was protecting the lives of migrants and giving them as much information as possible,” Mujica said. “To blame the people who are helping is crazy.”

AP passage ends

Big League Politics reported:

Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which played a key role in organizing the previous illegal immigrant caravan that attempted to breach the United States border, is now promoting the new caravan, which is set to take off from Honduras at 5 AM on the morning of January 15.

Here is the opening line of a Pueblo Sin Fronteras press release published on Facebook:

“This letter was initiated by the Women’s Comite of the Central American Exodus, but captures the general demands of the Caravan as a new caravan is preparing to leave Honduras.”

The new caravan members in Honduras are making it clear that they are seeking refuge.


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