New Footage Shows ANTIFA Terrorists Stalking and Assaulting Patriotic Protester and His Young Daughter

Newly released footage posted today on social media by journalist Andy Ngo of Quillette shows how patriotic protester John Turano, nicknamed the “Based Spartan,” and his daughter were stalked and attacked in Portland by a gang of ANTIFA terrorists.

Turano’s young daughter was put into harms way because of the actions of this marauding gang of domestic terrorists. The footage was captured here and makes it abundantly clear that ANTIFA were the aggressors:

That was not the only display of extreme violence at the hands of ANTIFA during their rampage throughout the streets of Portland this past weekend. They were also caught throwing concrete at right-wing protesters who were stuck in buses during a traffic jam.

Ngo, who released the video of the Based Spartan and his daughter getting accosted, was on the receiving end of a milkshake that was likely filled with quick-dry concrete at a protest earlier this summer. He suffered brain damage as a result.

Despite the obvious violence that was being hatched in broad daylight by ANTIFA terrorists, the left-wing Mayor Ted Wheeler declared that the protests were a victory for public safety. Wheeler praised police despite the fact that they were pictured running away from conflict as valiant left-wing terrorists jeered at them.

Until President Donald Trump officially declares ANTIFA a terrorist group and takes serious action to shut down these cells in Portland and across the country, no rally is safe from this militant left-wing organization that by its very existence threatens the fundamental rights of Americans.

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