New Jersey Allows Illegal Aliens to Get Medical Licenses, Your Next Doctor Might Be Illegal!
New Jersey Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy signed a measure on Wednesday that will allow illegal immigrants to get access to occupational licenses and more easily take jobs from law-abiding Americans.
The estimated 500,000 illegals in the state of New Jersey will now be able to work as a hairdresser, teacher, therapist, nurse, HVAC technician, and many other jobs, as the state’s Democrat leadership flouts the rule of law.
“The strain and stress on our medical and health professions made its timing and it’s urgency even more so,” Murphy said during a virtual press conference on Facebook.
Assemblyman Raj Mukherji, a Democrat from Hudson, is claiming that the measure will help the state economy “by adding millions in tax revenue from the increased wages by fully putting our trained immigrant professionals to work.”
“We’re not taking away American jobs,” he said. “Because Dreamers who have grown up here, maybe for decades, who have been educated and trained here, they are American.”
However, the COVID-19 mass hysteria has caused widespread economic calamity and put scores of Americans out of work. This move will make it harder for those individuals to get back in the labor market, and make them more prone to suicide and drug addiction.
Big League Politics has reported on how Americans have slipped into despair due to lack of employment opportunities caused due to COVID-19 lockdown policies:
An analysis from the White House has shown that drug overdose deaths are spiking as the coronavirus pandemic lingers on, most likely due to lockdown policies that are causing a surge in hopelessness and despair.
Drug policy experts in the Trump administration have found a 11.4 percent in fatalities in 2020 over 2019. This is particularly shocking considering that the opiate crisis in America is still under way, and it is now worse than ever due to coronavirus panic.
“The pandemic has caused my level of concern to go up,” White House drug czar Jim Carroll said to POLITICO in an interview.
The problem has exacerbated considerably because a billion-dollar federal research program to discover new ways to treat addiction has been shelved because of the coronavirus pandemic. The human cost of the pandemic is immeasurable, and the negative ramifications will likely be felt for generations.
“The concerns we have are related to the big challenges people are facing right now with Covid: isolation and uncertainty resulting in very high levels of stress,” Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute for Drug Abuse, told POLITICO.
Some far-left public officials have made the situation even worse by subsidizing alcohol and drugs for destitute individuals during the lockdown.
Special interest groups that push for open borders and the flooding of millions of potentially hostile foreigners into the U.S. are, of course, absolutely thrilled about the New Jersey reform.
“Undocumented immigrants will now be able to pursue our professions, support our families, fulfill our dreams and support the Garden State,” said Erika Martinez, a youth organizer for the pro-illegal front, Make the Road New Jersey.
“We will continue to fight while we pursue our dreams of becoming physicians, nurses, physical therapists, teachers, manicurists and more here in New Jersey,” she added.
Diversity and multiculturalism mean that native U.S. workers will be replaced forever. But don’t worry, they will still be able to fill the void with opiates and porn from Chinese-backed pharmaceutical and tech corporations while the West is transformed permanently into a third-world sh*thole.