New Jersey Atilis Gym Owner Receives One-Year Probation for Resisting COVID Lockdown Tyranny

Ian Smith, the owner of Atilis Gym in New Jersey, has received one year of probation for defying COVID-19 shutdown orders in the state at the height of pandemic insanity.

Smith thanked his supporters in a Twitter post announcing his sentencing:

Ever since resisting lockdown tyranny, Smith has remained an outspoken patriot. He is dedicated to the cause of stopping globalism as the New World Order’s cruel and inhumane technocracy is enacted.

Smith even smacked down neocon Rep. Dan “McCain 2.0” Crenshaw (R-TX) over the America Last Congressman’s contempt for the American people.

“Where were you when Americans liberties and livelihoods were being crushed by nonsensical and oppressive COVID restrictions?” Smith said to Crenshaw.

“You were tweeting about blowing more tax payer money on more stimulus packages instead of fixing the problem. We stood our ground at Atilis, just like many other small businesses and Americans did. Were we LARPING? Nah,” he continued.

“We put everything on the line while you sat around getting paid to pretend to be working for the people. Cut the crap with the “wannabe tough guy” lines, nobody is trying to be tough – except you. Keep banging the war drums, advocating for red flag laws, and voting in massive COVID spending bills,” Smith added.

Big League Politics reported on the massive injustice that Smith was forced to endure for refusing to buckle to tyranny:

The owners of Atilis Gym are currently going through one of their worst financial ordeals now thanks to the state of New Jersey’s shutdown orders that forced gym facilities to close down.

The two owners, Ian Smith and Frank Trumbetti, have defied the New Jersey government’s shutdown orders. For their decision to not comply with the state’s draconian orders, they have been slapped with $1.2 million in fines

The gym owners have appeared on Fox News shows such as Tucker Carlson Tonight and voiced their opposition to the draconian lockdown policies. They said that the Governor and his cronies in the state government have “thrown everything he possibly could to shut us down.”

The two have received approximately 60 citations and have been arrested. ZeroHedge reported that “Every single day they open their gym in violation of the state order, the team rack up another 16K in fines.”

“He has arrested my partner and I, given us over 60 citations, some of them criminal. He fines us $15,497.76 per day for every day we’re open,” Smith remarked during an interview. Our fines are totaling over $1.2 million, but every single day, Frank and I open our gym.

New Jersey allowed gyms to start reopening on September 1. However, this reopening has certain stipulations where gyms must still comply with state restrictions and capacity limits.

Atilis drew national attention by refusing to comply with the state’s shutdown orders by opening its facility at the end of May, kicking off a legal dispute between the state and gym.

Smith is cut from the same cloth as the Founding Fathers. If Western Civilization endures, it will be due to the sacrifice of brave men like Smith who love liberty more than riches and comfort.

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