New Poll Shows Trump CRUSHING DeSantis with 50 Point Lead in National Republican Primary Poll

According to a recent poll, reports of President Donald Trump’s demise as GOP figurehead may be highly exaggerated.

The new poll from Premise Data shows that Trump leads with 65 percent of support from the field, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis with only 15 percent of support. No other probable contender gets over 7 percent.

The poll results can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported on RINOs coming out of the woodwork to declare Trump as dead and non-viable in an attempt to gaslight Republican voters into ditching their heroic leader:

After the disappointing results in the midterm elections earlier this week, the GOP establishment is throwing President Trump under the bus.

Leading the charge of traitors is Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears, who was pushed into office largely because of support from conservative Trump supporters last year.

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