New Rasmussen Poll Shows Donald Trump with Massive 28 Percent Lead Over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

A new Rasmussen poll shows President Donald Trump retaining a commanding lead over his potential opposition in the Republican presidential primary in 2024, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Trump commands support from 52 percent of individuals surveyed in the poll. DeSantis comes in second place with 24 percent support. Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, who recently announced her intention to run for President, only garners 15 percent support.

The poll was taken by Rasmussen from Feb. 16-20 with results gathered over the telephone as well as online:

Big League Politics has reported on how DeSantis is being bankrolled by the globalist RINO elite in an attempt to turn the page on the America First movement and revert the Republican Party back to the “good ol’ days” of Bush-ism and neoconservatism:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is backed by many globalist billionaires at war against America First, and they will certainly be cashing in their favors if DeSantis decides to run for president.

A Twitter user, calling themselves Traditional Catholic, posted an informative thread about the people behind DeSantis. It is a who’s who of America Last financiers who see DeSantis as their vessel to derail Trump populism and return the GOP to the feeble politics of old.

“”60% of Ron DeSantis’ donations have come from donations of $50,000 or more. 54% of Donald Trump’s donations have come from donations of less than $200. Just 6% of these donations went to DeSantis. Ron DeSantis is backed by billionaires and the establishment,” Traditional Catholic wrote.

He highlighted hedge fund tycoon Ken Griffin, who has given an incredible $5 million to DeSantis. Griffin is a fierce opponent of America First policies and does not like DeSantis’ populist moves as Florida governor. Still, Griffin thinks he can control DeSantis if he is able to defeat Trump and be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024…

WeatherTech founder David MacNeil also gave $800,000 to DeSantis, and his biggest issue is giving amnesty to illegal immigrants. He opposed Trump in 2020 because of Trump’s immigration patriot stance on stopping illegal immigration…

Wall Street hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones is a billionaire DeSantis backer who has given $1 million to the Florida governor. He is a close friend of convicted Democrat sex offender Harvey Weinstein and helped to fundraise for Barack Hussein Obama back in 2008…

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