New Report Shows That Only 1% Of Illinois Gun Owners are Complying With “Assault Weapons” Prohibition

According to a WBEZ report, just 1% of individuals possessing Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) cards had abided with Illinois’s “assault weapons” prohibition registration requirement as of January 11, 2024.

On January 10, 2023, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed the “assault weapons” prohibition into law. His office subsequently released a statement that said the following: 

“The new law also requires existing owners of semi-automatic rifles to register their ownership, ensuring that law enforcement knows the location of these weapons of war and who to hold accountable if they fall into the wrong hands.”

Owners of so-called “assault weapons,” were mandated to register their firearms prior to January 1, 2024. WBEZ’s report on the “assault weapons” ban compliance as of January 11, 2024, indicated that there has been little to no additional registration taking place by the deadline. In a  Chicago Sun-Times report. It was discovered that “only 1% of people with firearm owners identification cards in the state had registered.”

The Sun-Times was in contact with Illinois State Police about the non-compliance. Illinois State Police declared that. “Decisions on how to enforce [the ‘assault weapons’ ban]  will be up to each law enforcement and prosecutorial jurisdiction within Illinois.”

Back on December 29, 2023, the Courthouse News Service reported that the enforcement of the “assault weapons” prohibition is largely the task of the sheriffs in Illinois’s 102 counties. And just days after the “assault weapons” prohibition was signed, Breitbart News called attention to how 80 sheriffs made it resoundingly clear that they would not enforce the ban.

Illinois is beyond repair when it comes to policies that respect the defense of the Second Amendment. One simply can’t pass pro-gun legislation there. Nevertheless, it’s good to hear that compliance with this latest gun grab is incredibly low.

It not only shows that there are strong residual pro-Second Amendment instincts among Illinois residents, but credible resistance can come from the local level. 

That’s how pro-gunners will have to move in blue states from here on out.

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