New York City Set to Provide Voting Rights to Non-Citizens

The New York City Council is set to pass legislation that would provide non-citizens who possess a green card the right to vote in city elections.

The measure reportedly has the support of a veto-proof majority in the council, with current Mayor Bill de Blasio making it clear he won’t overturn the legislation with a veto if it passes. However, the Mayor has indicated he believes the Council lacks the legal authority to provide non-citizens with voting rights. De Blasio’s term is slated to end in January, with Mayor-elect Eric Adams entering office.

The plan would only give non-citizens with rights to vote in city elections, with voting in state and federal elections governed by their respective levels of government. However, attempts to provide non-citizens with voting rights have faced legal scrutiny before, with voting privileges for noncitizens in San Francisco limited to school board elections.

As many as 660,000 green card holders in New York City would stand to gain municipal voting rights as a result of the law, sponsored by Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez.

While New York remains a solidly Democrat city, it’s more than possible that the non-citizen vote grab could influence the outcomes of competitive elections, essentially depriving American citizens of their right to self-government in favor of a new and antidemocratic form of global elections.

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