New York Times Admits that Mass Migration is Spiking Housing Costs in Canada

In a recent piece published at the New York Times, Ian Austen conceded that mass migration has created upward pressure on Canadian housing. As a result, many Canadians have been priced out of homeownership due to this influx of migrants. 

“Basically southern Ontario has become unaffordable” real estate agent Bryan Adlam said to the newspaper. Adlam continued:

“I have two clients I have right now whose budget is $500,000 to $600,000, which is not chump change,” he stated. “Are they going to be renters for life? Probably. Has owning a home become unattainable for someone on the lower income echelon? I would say, yes.”

Neil Munro of Breitbart News cited a Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation report published in 2021 which noted the following: 

House price surges in Toronto and Vancouver between 2015 and 2019, partly owing to much higher international migration, [and] were the catalyst for significant changes in domestic migration patterns within their respective provinces.

In addition, the rising house prices also contributed to the displacement of young Canadians, which the 2021 report observed: 

Since 2015, a greater share of people from nearly every age cohort moved out of Toronto and Vancouver to live in other regions of their respective provinces.

For people 25-44 years old, surging house prices in Toronto and Vancouver led to a greater incidence of “drive until you qualify.” Homeownership had become too expensive in Toronto and Vancouver for many potential first-time buyers in this age group.

“Census data released this month showed that the [homeownership] rate fell to 66.5 percent last year from a peak of 69 percent 11 years ago,” per the Times report.

Indeed, mass migration is an elite project that enriches the post-national oligarchs that dominate the Collective West. Working class whites get displaced both economically and demographically by such a trend. 

If the Right in the West is serious about preserving its national character and protecting its workers, it must stop mass migration on all fronts. Any individual on the Right who supports mass migration is engaging in treason against their historic nation. Full stop.

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