No Compromise Gun Lobby Calls Out Congress to Oppose Federal Gun Grab

On July 30, 2020, the National Association for Gun Rights raised awareness about gun control legislation introduced by Virginia Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine.

Under the “Virginia Plan to Reduce Gun Violence Act of 2020”, the federal government would implement a series of gun control measures that were recently enacted in the state of Virginia. In their press release, NAGR argued that this plan would “strip law-abiding citizens of their Second Amendment and due process rights.”

At its core, the “Virginia Plan to Reduce Gun Violence Act of 2020” will effectively nationalize Virginia’s new gun control laws. This will include the state’s “red flag” gun confiscation order, a one-handgun-a-month law, and a ban on private gun transactions between lawful gun owners. Virginia’s gun grabs kicked off protests from tens of thousands of gun owners at the state capitol in Richmond, Virginia early in 2020. NAGR noted that “Senators Kaine and Warner want to impose them on the rest of the nation.”

“Just when law-abiding citizens are purchasing firearms in record numbers to protect themselves and their families, tone-deaf Democrats are squealing for more gun control,” declared Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights.

Brown announced that his staff is already working to mobilize more than 4.5 million National Association for Gun Rights members and supporters to reach out to Kentucky  Senator Mitch McConnell and the Republican-controlled Senate to oppose this gun control scheme and all other gun grabs.

“With police stations literally on fire and criminals taking over our streets, it should be clear that citizens are responsible for defending ourselves,” remarked Brown. “Gun control is never a good idea and pushing it right now is sheer insanity.”

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