No Compromise Organization in Colorado Acquires Court Victory Against Red Flag Gun Confiscation Order

Gun owners in Colorado scored a solid victory in court on November 10, 2021.

That day the Colorado Court of Appeals took a major swipe at the state’s controversial “Red Flag” gun confiscation order, which was passed in 2019.  Under red flag gun confiscation orders, individuals can have their firearms confiscated on the mere suspicion of allegedly posing a threat to others without any form of due process.

The Court of Appeals remanded the case back down to the district for additional deliberation.

The RMGO legal team expects this case to be challenged one more time in District Court. In addition, the legal team is optimistic about their chances to repeal the red flag gun confiscation order in light of this ruling.

RMGO’s lawyers have even called the prospects of repealing red flag gun confiscation orders a “slam dunk.” 

“Today, the ruling from the Court of Appeals signaled a significant step forward in fully repealing Colorado’s egregious gun confiscation scheme. Since the case has been remanded back to the district court, we are hopeful that we will win in the lower court and once and for all rid Colorado of this disastrous piece of legislation,” declared Taylor Rhodes, Executive Director for Rocky Mountain Gun Owners.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners aided the plaintiffs in the case and provided financial aid for the lawsuit in question.

“In summary, on the key issue of whether the issues in the case present a “political question,” the court disagreed with the district court and reversed. On the issue of standing, the court held that Lori Saine and Dave Williams have standing,” stated Barry Arrington, counsel for the plaintiffs and Rocky Mountain Gun Owners.

Colorado is a solidly anti-gun state as evidenced by its 40th place ranking for best states for gun owners and 35th place for best states for concealed carry in Guns & Ammo magazine.

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