North Carolina Boys Stop to Honor American Flag

A photo of two young boys in North Carolina has gone viral after the pair stopped to say the Pledge of Allegiance as the flag was raised.

“The two Roseboro boys, Derrick Tyrone Ingram Jr. and Thomas Edwards Jones Jr., however are evidently getting better lessons at home and school. Their actions touched the hearts of the firefighters, who shared the picture on Facebook, and said, ‘God Bless our community,'” according to First in Freedom Daily.

The post reached over 100 likes quickly after being posted on the Fire Department’s page, which Chief Kenneth Lee Coleman Jr said, “I thought that’s pretty good for us because we don’t usually get that many likes.” The post now has almost 9.5k likes and 9.3k shares on Facebook.

The story comes as an uplifting change of pace after another North Carolina 10 year-old-year kid kneeled for the Pledge of Allegiance during a city council meeting in Durham.  The boys father, Scott Holmes, stated he and his son talked about kneeling before the pledge and was “really proud of him,” as reported by Fox News. The Mayor of Durham Steve Schewel thanked the child for kneeling stating, “to the Scout that expressed his conscience by kneeling, we will say that we endorse and appreciate all expressions of conscience in the Durham City Council.”

The difference in the two stories are astounding.  The first story has received an overwhelming amount of respect and praise for the decency of these boys. The second slams the parents for coaching their son into kneeling for a photo op with the intention of it going viral.

Kudos to these boys from Roseboro for standing and respecting the flag!

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