North Texas School District Busted for Hiding Student’s Mental Health Disorder from Parents

A North Texas school district has been busted for concealing sensitive information from parents dealing with the mental health issues of students who think they are “transgender.”
Government watchdog organization Citizens Defending Freedom (CDF) announced on January 2, 2024 that they started investigating Anna Independent School District after a mother claimed that her parental rights were violated.
The investigation highlighted “a significant period during which her child identified and dressed as the opposite biological sex without parental knowledge.”
Anna ISD officials did not bother to communicate these changes to the parents and failed to notify them about the school’s use of opposite sex pronouns and gender identity naming schemes.
“This lack of transparency, coupled with the failure to seek parental consent for pronoun usage, name changes, and the concealment of mental health issues, has prompted legal action by parents nationwide,” declared CDF-Collin County spokesman Dan Thomas.
CDF is a national non-profit organization that activates county-level chapters to help citizens stand up for their faith and freedom and push for transparency at the local level.
By submitting public information requests, CDF volunteers discovered that Anna ISD had implemented a practice of keeping both a “permanent record” that features the student’s birth name and assigned sex and a “non-permanent record” that indicates a name change typically connected with a sexual identity transition.
CDF’s probe exposed Anna ISD’s implementation of the non-permanent record practice for pronouns and names— all done without parental notice or consent—on August 16, 2022.
In the previous week, on August 11, Anna ISD leadership had looked over the 2022 version of the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) legal guidance dealing with “transgender” students. TASB is a taxpayer-funded lobbying organization for government school officials that offers products and services which includes legal counsel.
“The CDF investigation indicates that school districts, following TASB’s guidance on Legal Issues Related to Transgender Students, are undermining parental rights, potentially violating Texas law when intentionally withholding information,” the group stated.
Per CDF, Anna ISD’s “transgender” policy infringe parental rights as outlined by Texas Education Code Section 26.008(a), that gives parents detailed information on their child’s school activities, and Section 26.004(b), granting access to written records, which includes counseling and psychological records.
CDF is calling on all Texas parents to fully immerse themselves in local school district policies dealing with permanent and non-permanent records, “especially those related to the concealment of gender identity and other mental health issues that may go undisclosed.”
This case demonstrates the need for local activism to expose cultural degeneracy The fact is that the Left is relentless when it comes to its activism. It’s not just involved at the national level. It’s targeting every nook and cranny of society, which requires local activists to be vigilant at the local level.
Getting caught asleep at the wheel here is a recipe for disaster.