Nunes Hits Joe Biden’s Team With Questions About The Dossier

Former vice president Joe Biden’s presidential hopes are taking a hit.
House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes sent his 10-question survey about the Christopher Steele dossier to two officials from Biden’s office. The survey seeks to figure out when Obama officials knew that Democrats including the Hillary Clinton campaign funded the debunked Christopher Steele dossier and who they told about it.
Biden officials Shailaigh Murray, whose husband worked for Fusion GPS, and Colin Kahl received the questions.
As Big League Politics reported:
House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes said that some Obama administration officials and related figures “went dark” and have not responded to his ten questions on FISA abuse, thus making them liable to receive subpoenas.
Nunes’ office directed Big League Politics to Nunes’ Monday interview with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum, which has not been reported on by other outlets.
Nunes sent questions to 12 people, including top Obama intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper, and plans to send the questions to 12 more people. Nunes said the questions center on when these individuals knew that the Democrats paid to finance the debunked Christopher Steele dossier, and who they told about the payments. That dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants to surveil Trump Tower and members of President Trump’s team. Robert Mueller is reportedly still using the dossier in his investigation.
Nunes set a midnight deadline Sunday for people to respond to his questions. But some of the people are not cooperating.
“Most of the people have responded, getting the information back to us promptly and on time,” Nunes said.
“There are a few people who have asked for an additional week, which we have went ahead and granted that time. There are a few people, though, that are not responding. They seem to have went dark. However, if they do not respond here shortly they will be getting subpoenaed to appear before Congress to be treated with a deposition,” Nunes said.
Nunes said that Brennan and Clapper both responded to his questions, but would not yet reveal what they said.
Big League Politics reported that Clapper tried to use a Supreme Court justice to block President Trump’s inauguration based on Russia innuendo back in January.