NYC Establishes Safe Injection Sites for Junkies

New York City has recently announced that it will open anti-overdose drug zones for addicts to use their drugs without fear of dying.

“After exhaustive study, we know the right path forward to protect the most vulnerable people in our city,” Mayor DeBlasio stated on Tuesday. “Overdose prevention centers are a safe and effective way to address the opioid crisis.” It appears that New York City leftists also just absolutely love it.

Big League Politics has recently reported record high drug overdoses in the United States. “The national overdose epidemic is a five-alarm fire in public health, and we have to tackle this crisis concurrently with our COVID fight,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Dave A. Chokshi. “Giving people a safe, supportive space will save lives and bring people in from the streets, improving life for everyone involved. Overdose prevention centers are a key part of broader harm reduction.” 

So apparently, in order to assist in the drug epidemic, we’ll just encourage drug users to continue to be addicted to poison. At least they aren’t outside, right? The facilities will also provide addicts with clean needles that they need to shoot up heroin and free drugs in the case that they accidentally die on the floor and need to be brought back to life with Narcan.

“This follows in the path of syringe services, which have played a major role in addressing the HIV epidemic. Overdose Prevention Center services will help disrupt an overdose epidemic that has taken too many New Yorkers.” 

 DOHMH Executive Deputy Commissioner Dr. Chinazo O. Cunningham

The city government published a lengthy press release on their website praising the the facilities. How dystopian of a society do we live in? The government of New York City imposes draconian lockdowns that close thousands of businesses permanently, encourage crime and rioting throughout the city, and the best they can do for their citizens is give you a comfortable location to feed into your opioid addiction. While New York City is not the first place in the world to create drug abuse facilities, the big apple does have a large influence and it is troubling to think that this could become the new normal across the United States.

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