NYC Toddler Mask Mandate Brought Back After Being Ruled Unconstitutional Hours Prior

New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan lead a press conference Friday discussing why he believes children as young as 2 years old should still be forced to have their mouths covered when in school. Mayor Eric Adams can be seen on his left. (4/2/2022)

Democrats sure do love muzzling children! A New York City directive forcing the wearing of masks on children as young as 2 years old is now remaining in place after an appeals court granted a stay in favor of the administration of Mayor Eric Adams.

The stay was issued just hours after a Staten Island judge had struck down New York City’s mask mandate for toddlers, calling it “arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable” and issuing a permanent injunction against it.

Adams had previously vowed to appeal Judge Ralph Porzio’s ruling, electing to follow the advice of New York Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan, who claimed that children as young as 2 years old should continue to have their mouths forcibly covered in the schools.

“Cases are definitively rising and it’s gotten our attention,” he said. “They will continue to rise over the next few weeks, and it’s likely that over these weeks, we will move into a different level of overall risk across the city.”

A quick search by Big League Politics on Google brought no confirmation of claims by Vasan and Adams alike of spiking Covid-19 cases in the state of New York. In fact, it showed quite the contrary; cases in have New York sharply declined since last December and seemingly have remained consistent thereafter.

“I think it’s imperative that due to the rise in cases that we’re seeing as slight as they are, our plans were to take a week to assess the numbers before removing masks with two to four years old,” Adams had said when discussing disagreements he had with the Judge’s decision to allow personal choice in regards to masking.

Mayor Adams took to social media to celebrate the stay, pompously posting online that “every decision we make is with our children’s health and safety in mind,” and that young children “should continue to wear their masks in school and daycare come Monday.”

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