One-Third of Guatemalans Want to Move to America

A recent survey shows that more than one-third of Guatemalans want to move to the United States.
The survey was conducted by the Association for Research and Social Studies and Barometro de las Americas which found that 39.2 percent of Guatemalans. 85 percent of those migrants would like to come to the United States.
Daniel Horowitz notes that roughly 5.6 million Guatemalans would like to come to America.
Guatemalan newspaper Prensa Libre highlighted how 58 percent of respondents claimed they had relatives in the United States. This same article attributes family reunifications and “lack of employment and poverty” as the motives for Guatemalans’ desire to migrate stateside.
The Center for Immigration Studies reports that “the number of immigrants from Central America (legal and illegal) has grown 28-fold since 1970, from 118,000 to nearly 3.3 million in 2018 — six times faster than the overall immigrant population.”
Other costs to immigration include assimilation struggles, which have been on display in immigrant communities throughout Europe.
These factors have American voters worried, with GOP voters viewing immigration as the #1 issue during the 2020 elections.