Oregon Sheriffs Refuse Governor’s Request to Send Deputies to Patrol the Streets of Portland

Two Oregon sheriffs are turning down a request from Governor Kate Brown that they send deputies to Portland to patrol the city, citing the city government’s high tolerance for criminal activity and potential legal liability for standard law enforcement activity.

Sheriff Craig Roberts of Clackamas County and Sheriff Pat Garrett of Roberts and Washington County are both declining to sign up for a program that would involve deploying their deputies to Portland to deter criminal activity from left-wing rioters. Both counties are located in the suburbs of Portland, and their refusal to do the Portland Police’s job all but ensures that city is on its own, having already refused the help of federal law law enforcement.

The same offenders are arrested night after night, only to be released by the court and not charged with a crime by the DA’s Office,” Sheriff Roberts said, citing District Attorney Mike Schmidt’s stated policy of dropping criminal charges against most to all left wing rioters.The next night they are back at it, endangering the lives of law enforcement and the community all over again.

Sheriff Garrett stated the liability risks of the plan would be too great, and that Portland’s left-wing court system would invoke criminal and civil sanction against his deputies for standard procedure.

Portland has staked itself out as a national embarrassment throughout the summer of race riots, with criminal rioters inflicting property damages and violence on a nightly basis with impunity. Governor Brown of Oregon tried to set the county sheriff plan into motion after a patriotic demonstrator was murdered while demonstrating in the city, but no one wants to help the troubled city of Portland.

Portland didn’t want to enforce the law and hold criminal rioters accountable, and now the city is surprised that responsible government officials don’t want anything to do with their dumpster fire of a judicial structure.

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