ORWELLIAN: CDC Changes Definition Of “Vaccination” To No Longer Include “Immunity”

On September 1st, 2021 the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) updated its website’s definition of the word “vaccination,” replacing the word “immunity” with “protection.”
“Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”
Prior to September 1st, the orginial definiton of “vaccination” on the CDC’s website.
“Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.”
As of Septembest 1st, the new definiton of “vaccination” on the CDC’s website.
The change in definition was noticed by Americans around the country with many posting screenshots of the definition before and after the change online.
One such post was shared on Instagram by conservative political commentator Kangmin Lee, known as @koreanchristianconservative on Instagram.
“We’re living in 1984.” Lee writes. “They keep shifting the goalpost, lying to us, and redefining terms. They did this with herd immunity, anti-vax, and now the definition of vaccination itself from immunity to “protection”, which is such a broad, vague term. And of course, this is all by design. Wake up America.”
“Stop trusting these public health bureaucrats,” Lee wrote in another comment on his post.
The post shows a screenshot of a Twitter post saying “The CDC changes the definition of v⍺ccination on September 1st. Replaces ‘immunity’ with ‘protection,'” and also shows screenshots to show evidence of the definition before and after the change, with dates included.

Suspicions of American institutions like the CDC are at an all-time high, especially with reports of waning vaccine efficacy like Israel’s report on Pfziers vaccine being only 39% effective against certain variants.
Big League Politics has covered Orwellian attacks on language by American institutions in the past, including Merriam-Webster’s redefining of the word “anti-vaxxer” to include those who do not support forced vaccination.
‘Recently, the Merriam-Webster dictionary (also called “The Ministry of Truth” in some circles) decided to broaden the scope of how to define the word “anti-vaxxer.”
Merriam-Webster’s website now defines “anti-vaxxer” as “a person who opposes vaccination or laws that mandate vaccination.” In other words, any person who does not believe in forcing a needle down the arms of others now falls under this term, regardless of their personal views on vaccines.
“Welcome to ‘1984.’ This is the Ministry of Truth,” rapper and podcaster Zuby said on Twitter, in reference to George Orwell’s dystopian novel.
In the past, the Oxford Dictionary took similar action by changing the definition of the word “bigot.”
For a long time, the word was defined as someone who is “intolerant toward those holding different opinions.”
The new definition reads as a bit more politically targeted…’
Read more here
Interestingly, Tony Fauci said that only “probably a little bit more than half” of CDC staff are vaccinated against COVID-19, which surprised many as the organization strongly urges all Americans to get the shot, and often has its own representatives push for forced inoculation.
The CDC currently does not require any of its own staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.
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