ORWELLIAN: Google Ads Blacklists Dan Bongino

Dan Bongino and Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Google Ads, the dominant player in the online ads market, has blacklisted bongino.com, the website of the popular conservative author and commentator Dan Bongino, Breitbart News reported Friday.

Bongino has made no efforts to back down against the big tech conglomerate, posting that Google’s decision to target censor him and others only highlights the need to build a “free speech parallel economy.”

“Good communists can’t control themselves & always succumb to the totalitarian impulse,” posted the Bongino Report Twitter account. “We deeply appreciate your efforts to try & silence us, it presents the perfect foil for the free speech parallel economy.”

This decision by Google comes just after other censorship by the company after they permanently banned all of Bongino’s YouTube channels.

Youtube also reportedly accused Bongino of trying to evade a ban on a channel of his by putting videos out on a second channel. This second channel was shortly thereafter suspended for supposed “COVID-19 misinformation.”

Left-wingers have been actively celebrating the censorship of the conservative commentator and in many cases have called for even more de-platforming.
@googleads has just completely demonetized Dan Bongino, a regular figure on @FacebooksTop10 for promoting COVID disinformation,” wrote Check My Ads, a far-left hate group that prides itself on slandering conservatives with false allegations of “hate speech” and “disinformation” in order to pressure advertisers and tech platforms to shut them down. “Ball’s in your court now, @Facebook.”

Breitbart noted that big tech’s blacklisting of Bongino not only suppresses yet another conservative voice — it also silences and stifles the supposed “free market” given that Bongino actively invests in many of their competitors.

Bongino has joined up with numerous big tech competitors, including Parler, which has dubbed itself a competitor to Twitter. The conservative political commentator has also currently holds an equity stake in Rumble, which is considered one of YouTube’s largest alternative competitors. Rumble’s investments from high profile people remain numerous, with the video hosting company additionally receiving venture capital funding from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel and senate candidate and venture capitalist J.D. Vance.

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